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Ocean splash and flip

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  • #16


    • #17
      When I turn off splash it procuces exactly what I want. I didn´t think that was possible. will upload picture later


      • #18
        you mean the water itself makes the needed splash?
        actually the water and the splash are simulated almost equally, except the flip part (grid based pressure processing). the splash just allows more particles with less expensive calculations.
        VRScans developer


        • #19
          thanks for the scene, the crash is fixed
          VRScans developer


          • #20
            Yes the water itself. With splash off it looks much better in the beginning of sequens. But I guess later on the splash is needed. Especially if it´s a big objekt.. Is it possible to have the splash with animation ?


            • #21
              what you mean "splash with animation"? to change the birth rate? i think yes, it's animatable.
              but if you want to keep the water as it is without splash, just disable "affect water", set it to zero.
              VRScans developer


              • #22
                It´s not possible to animate birt rate.

                I want the splash to be born when the crown of water is on the way up... What does " affect water " ?


                • #23
                  well I can animate the split rate, but not " By free fly". There´s so many new settings, it hard to learn them all


                  • #24
                    i think if you animate them the result will be not good. of course we can add ability to animate them , the 3d max does it and it's not costing any efforts for us.
                    the "affect liquid" changes the splash birth/death behavior. when affect liquid is used, the splash consumes liquid when born, and returns it back when disappears. in few words the liquid is converted into splash. for closeup scenes this mode may be a problem, because you can see when the liquid is turned into splash. bot for far views is very good, because when the splash hits the water it produces some impact.
                    VRScans developer


                    • #25
                      It´s crashing again just like before. after about 20 frames. I think it´s best I wait for a stable verision....


                      • #26
                        well, we need the settings of the scene, to make real the stable version
                        i have your scene, send me just the settings, they are kept in the log file mentioned above. or if you prefer send me the entire scene again, with the settings producing the crash
                        VRScans developer


                        • #27
                          Ok. in this scene I´m trying very low splash rate when it crashes.


                          • #28
                            ok, thanks for the scene, will test it later
                            VRScans developer


                            • #29
                              can you give some details? in which frame the crash occurs, is it always the same or it varies?
                              VRScans developer


                              • #30
                                Tried 3 times now. 2 times it crashed at frame 30. 1 time it crashed after a few frames when I changed preview to "show mesh".

