Have a few things here I need a little guidance on.
1. I have a smoke sim that I want to create a preview animation in 3ds max. But its not capturing anything from the sim
2. I tried to save out a preview from within GPU preview rollout in PheonixFDFire sim but that tells me to enable GPU preview even though it is enabled??
3. This is all for a an assignment where we have to go back to an old project and add steam coming from a kettle. Is it possible to render out just the steam as a pass and then composite that with single scene still to make a 5 second animation?
Have a few things here I need a little guidance on.
1. I have a smoke sim that I want to create a preview animation in 3ds max. But its not capturing anything from the sim
2. I tried to save out a preview from within GPU preview rollout in PheonixFDFire sim but that tells me to enable GPU preview even though it is enabled??
3. This is all for a an assignment where we have to go back to an old project and add steam coming from a kettle. Is it possible to render out just the steam as a pass and then composite that with single scene still to make a 5 second animation?