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How does PhoenixFD support for VR?

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  • How does PhoenixFD support for VR?


    Just a quick question, I render my scene in ocean mode which renders infinite ocean. I wonder how does PhoenixFD handle different camera rendering when rendering ocean mode? For example, if I render with Fish eyes cam or even 360 degrees will it work?


  • #2
    I believe it doesn't work unless it has been implemented this year at some point. It did not work when I first did VR around December 2015.
    Adam Trowers


    • #3
      if 360 degrees means dome camera, it should work, just the entire ocean is built, with vertex density decreasing with the distance to the center
      VRScans developer


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
        if 360 degrees means dome camera, it should work, just the entire ocean is built, with vertex density decreasing with the distance to the center
        tks, will try it out


        • #5
          I think he means more for VR rendering.. so Spherical camera, 360 override and stereoscopic helper which does not work
          Adam Trowers


          • #6
            Would be amazing to have a game engine plug-in


            • #7
              i'm rendering a Stereo 360° Animation.
              Just Smoke (several simulators), a sun and a gound plane.
              I'm noticing that ones a smoke cloud is rendered on one side, it renderes MUCH faster on the other side which is really gread.
              I've also tryed the shademap and found out that it is way slower to render it that way.
              The speed up for the final render is quite low and the shademap Pass took more than the half of the final render without shademap.
              So the Smoke dosn't benefits much from the shademap. And the shadows are not worth the effort, at least in my chase.
              I think this is because it already uses some kind of shademap out of the box in one pass, isn't it?
              Would that work with all kind of Phoenix simulations or just grid based/volumetric ones?

              Sorry for highjacking this thread, the title just fits so mutch to my question.

              Edit: Changing bucked order to Left->Right, to enshure it dosn't render the same smoke cloud on both sides simultaneously, gives some extra speed
              Last edited by Ihno; 13-05-2016, 05:36 AM.
              German guy, sorry for my English.

