Hi team
is there anyway Chaos can help other render companies with their Phoenix FD SDK so other renderers like Octane can render PHoenix FD bubbles, splash etc.
basically they said this "A There is no access to this PhoenixFD geometry data in its SDK." So is PhoenixFD for Vray only?
Bellow is the conversation>
Also a link to Otoy Forum where they can have Phoenix FD just render smoke and fire but not bubbles or splash
Link to Forum about supporting Phoenix FD:
"Hi does octane work with new Phoenix fd version 2.25 [available on chaos forum as nightly build] It is the newest version where 2.20 is old official version that is not really used anymore like 2 years ago.
Version 2.25 is very very different. (Liquid sim grid and fumes and smoke are separate sims, wetmap is not mesh anymore but particles that vray material uses to blend two materials to create wet effect) Will all this work with octane 3 4.1?
Q 3ds max 3.0 4.1 supports PhoenixFD what about splashes and bubbles. Will octane support it?
A There is no access to this PhoenixFD geometry data in its SDK.
But I'll investigate later if it is possible using some non standard tricks...
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OctaneRender Team
OctaneRender Team
is there anyway Chaos can help other render companies with their Phoenix FD SDK so other renderers like Octane can render PHoenix FD bubbles, splash etc.
basically they said this "A There is no access to this PhoenixFD geometry data in its SDK." So is PhoenixFD for Vray only?
Bellow is the conversation>
Also a link to Otoy Forum where they can have Phoenix FD just render smoke and fire but not bubbles or splash
Link to Forum about supporting Phoenix FD:
"Hi does octane work with new Phoenix fd version 2.25 [available on chaos forum as nightly build] It is the newest version where 2.20 is old official version that is not really used anymore like 2 years ago.
Version 2.25 is very very different. (Liquid sim grid and fumes and smoke are separate sims, wetmap is not mesh anymore but particles that vray material uses to blend two materials to create wet effect) Will all this work with octane 3 4.1?
Q 3ds max 3.0 4.1 supports PhoenixFD what about splashes and bubbles. Will octane support it?
A There is no access to this PhoenixFD geometry data in its SDK.
But I'll investigate later if it is possible using some non standard tricks...
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OctaneRender Team
OctaneRender Team