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Tire burnout settings

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  • Tire burnout settings

    Hi Could anyone tell us what settings we use and what should generate smoke/

    I know we posted before but still got no luck. Can tire itself be smoke generator as brush? We tried to put little box on by the tire but smokes does not wrap around the tire Thank you

    We use PHoenix 2.20

    I guess 2.25 still does not work with Otoy I hope they can get it to work soon.
    Attached Files

  • #2

    Here is a sample setup for a latest 2.25:
    - The tire is made Solid.
    - Another cylindrical geometry is created around the tire in order to drag the smoke around it. This is because the tire object would drag only a little bit of smoke, but we still have no dedicated friction parameter so that you would be able to control how much the smoke sticks to mesh surfaces. This is why we have to help it. The surrounding body is made non-Solid and non-renderable. It is connected to a PHXSource and everything on the source is turned off except for Motion Velocity, so that the body would affect the smoke's velocity when spinning. The surrounding body must be connected to the wheel and spin together with it. I set the simulator's Object voxels to Inscribed so that the smoke would enter the real renderable wheel's volume a bit, otherwise there would be a visible gap between the smoke and the tire. You can control how much the smoke is dragged by the wheel using the Motion Velocity multiplier on the source.
    - A non-Solid, non-renderable box is placed at the contact patch between the wheel and the ground, just as you described it. It is connected to a second PHXSource and the source may be set in either brush or inject mode. I personally like the results of Inject better for this one, because it discharges smoke with added pressure.
    - Additional simulation settings - used the classic Vorticity for this one and reduced it a bit to 0.15. Used a bit of smoke dissipation - 0.06. Used PCG Symmetric as it is more detailed than Smooth - depends on your preference and how you want the smoke to look. Boosted the Conservation Quality to 20 so the smoke would roll better. Also, reduced the steps per frame from 4 to 2 - 1 step is not enough and the smoke starts becoming grainy due to the high velocity, but more than 2 start to smooth out the smoke a bit too much. Also, added a bit of wind using the Plain Force and a bit of large-scale turbulence.


    I hope this would be good for a start and you would be able to work out the best settings for your sim from here

    There are some things in the setup specific to 2.25, but I think you can also adapt it for 2.2 as well. No word on the Octane support for 2.25 or the upcoming 3.0 yet - the guys had issues with how the Modifier would handle more than one object type, since we split the simulator into separate fire and liquid sim, and I offered some ideas, but haven't heard if they had progressed on it yet.

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Thank you for your help!!


      • #4
        This is cool!
        Do you know how to this is MaYa?

        I will appreciate any support!
        Thnx a bunch!
        DE: ERFINDER des Elektroautos „SION"
        EN: INVENTOR / FOUNDER of the electric vehicle "SION".

        Computer #1 (Main) : Windows 10 PRO │ 2xXEON │128 GB │Quadro M4000 │ Quadro K4000 │ MaYa │vRay 5 │Phoenix FD 4 │

        Even I have a powerful Computer ... I NEED CHAOS CLOUD !


        • #5
          You can download a Maya sample scene from here -
          Georgi Zhekov
          Phoenix Product Manager


          • #6
            Hi georgi!

            Just AWESOME!!!
            Thnx a bunch!

            After years not using vRay and Chaos group products NOW I'm in LOVE with Chaos Group vRay and Phoenix
            DE: ERFINDER des Elektroautos „SION"
            EN: INVENTOR / FOUNDER of the electric vehicle "SION".

            Computer #1 (Main) : Windows 10 PRO │ 2xXEON │128 GB │Quadro M4000 │ Quadro K4000 │ MaYa │vRay 5 │Phoenix FD 4 │

            Even I have a powerful Computer ... I NEED CHAOS CLOUD !


            • #7
              I haven't used PHX in what seems forever and basically having to learn it all over again and Ive been playing a bit with this burnout example which is awesome by the way! but I cant figure out how to do something like say I have 300 frames I want to create a short clip and have the tire burn out for say 100 frames and then stop but keep the sim going to dissipate the smoke that was generated, How do I stop the smoke being generated and let it fade out? can you point me in the right direction?
              ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 1950X ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 2990WX ■ ASUS PRIME X399 - 2990WX ■ GIGABYTE AORUS X399 - 2990WX ■ ASUS Maximus Extreme XI with i9-9900k ■


              • #8
                Hi, Syclone1. You can animate the discharge and the Smoke dissipation too.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by George Barzinski View Post
                  Hi, Syclone1. You can animate the discharge and the Smoke dissipation too.
                  Yes but (Im still searching through help docs) the discharge is in one of the sources or the FDFire grid? I did find dissipation in the FDFire under Dynamics...

                  I may have figured out the discharge, if it is the right way lol. I animated the smoke number on the PHXSource from 0 to 3 and back and it seems to do the trick, running a sim test right now.
                  Last edited by Syclone1; 28-07-2017, 08:07 AM.
                  ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 1950X ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 2990WX ■ ASUS PRIME X399 - 2990WX ■ GIGABYTE AORUS X399 - 2990WX ■ ASUS Maximus Extreme XI with i9-9900k ■


                  • #10
                    Nice! And yes, discharge is the Outgoing velocity parameter in the Phoenix Source's General roll-out.

