Morning, Just wanting to check a thought when using the extended ocean.
I'm going to have the camera fly across the top of the ocean travelling quite a large distance (no interaction needed etc, just the extended ocean and foam tex). Would it be best, regarding the subdivisions, if the grid travelled with the camera (just behind it). Will that create a constant sub division on the horizon.
Basically if the grid was static, do the subdivisions fall off from the camera position or the grid position towards the horizon.
I'm going to have the camera fly across the top of the ocean travelling quite a large distance (no interaction needed etc, just the extended ocean and foam tex). Would it be best, regarding the subdivisions, if the grid travelled with the camera (just behind it). Will that create a constant sub division on the horizon.
Basically if the grid was static, do the subdivisions fall off from the camera position or the grid position towards the horizon.