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3.0 feedback

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  • 3.0 feedback

    First of all, AWESOME release with 3.0 I foresee a bright future for phoenix! The viewport looks just stunning!!

    Now that I had the chance to use 3.0 for some time, I found some minor issues;

    -Looks like if you use a wind force and set wind to zero and turbulence to lets say 5, it still calculates wind as 5 as well. (I have not tested if this happens every time, but I have experienced it several times.)

    -When you stop a sim, the progress bars are still green, like it is still running. Is this on purpose? (it wasn't like this in the older versions.

    Anyways, thank you to all of the involved people for this release, and keep up the good work!

  • #2
    Also, it looks like the decay in the wind force is not working, or is calculated completely different than the icon decay in the viewport. Doings some tests now to check.


    • #3

      Thank you for the feedback.
      Do you have a scene where the wind issue is reproducible? I couldn't reproduce it in here.
      As for the decay - it works slightly different indeed, but it is working. In general it's better to use the Plain Force that comes with Phoenix - it will produce more consistent results than Max's Wind.
      Georgi Zhekov
      Phoenix Product Manager


      • #4

        Also, the progress bars are just not properly reset after the simulation stops - we'll fix that.

        Thanks very much for the feedback, I do hope Phoenix is getting better with time

        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          It sure gets better every time, and your response time on posts here is top-notch!


          • #6
            It would be really awesome if your forces could have some sort of visual feedback in the view. Right now I need to ad some turbulence into the end position of my traveling smoke. This means that I have to wait until the simulation reaches this stage to see if intensity and falloff is working or not. This is of course very time consuming. I'm not sure how to read the preview window of the turbulence field, but it would be great with some sort of indication of how far your force is affecting you simulation. I think the volume axis field in Maya is a good example of how this could work.


            • #7
              That's right, we figured it out as well Maybe something along the lines of how the light helpers are shown in the viewport could also be an example of how it should look.
              Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


              • #8
                Yes, that would be a huge time saver!

