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water ball with initial speed

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  • water ball with initial speed


    What is the best way to set up a high-speed water ball? the water suppose moving very fast and hit the girl on the left
    Click image for larger version

Name:	high-speed-water.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	84.9 KB
ID:	885621
    I have tried:
    - set key frames (moving position) of geometry, phx properties/initial liquid fill
    - PHXSource001, volume brush
    - set "motion velocity" very high

    doesn't seems working, any suggestions?



  • #2
    Have you tried doing a normal high speed animation (animate, increase grid size), and increase your steps per frame a lot? Also the motion velocity multiplier might help... Either that or simulate as a slow motion and speed it up after?


    • #3
      i think the easiest way is just to connect the grid to the moving non solid sphere, that is set to produce liquid on init.
      VRScans developer


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
        i think the easiest way is just to connect the grid to the moving non solid sphere, that is set to produce liquid on init.
        thanks, will try that.

        I also tried creating a gravity point to left, but that will act on all liquid, can't use for general purpose. A new parameter for initial speed or able to tie force to individual liquid would be helpful.


        • #5
          Hm, 100% Brush + Motion Velocity of 1.0 should be enough. We have to try to reproduce it and see why it doesn't work as expected.
          Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


          • #6
            Scene with Water Ball

            Hi, I set scene for you with a quick explanation

            1. Create a sphere, right click on it --> Phoenix FD Properties --> Remove the tick against "Solid object"
            2. Add Phoenix FD Tap water preset
            3. Click on PHXSource --> Modify --> Emmit Mode and select Volume Brush. Then put a tick against "Motion Vel". Leave its value to "1" it works fine.
            4. Click on Simulation Grid --> Modify --> Dynamics roll-out and then set Steps per frame to 1. This is very important because it "prints" just 1 image of the
            liquid per frame. This allows you to retain the shape of the sphere. If you have more than 1 step per frame this would add a "tail" due to motion velocity.
            5. So, you need just a 1 frame with sphere filled up with liquid. Therefore, animate with keyframes "Brush effect (%)" to work just for a frame. Value 1 works fine.

            These are the basic settings and you should feel free to improvise with these settings to meet your needs. Also, you can play with Scene Scale in Dynamics roll-out.
            If you want more smooth and slow speed motion, go to Input roll-out --> Play speed and put a value < 1.

            Cheers mate!

            WaterBall (max2015).zip


            • #7
              Hi George,

              Great, it's working! tks for helping me

