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Simulation license and GUI license comment....

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  • Simulation license and GUI license comment....


    When I received my free upgrade of PhoenixFD 3 I was so happy to get a Gui license + a simulation license, I thought that meant I could simulate on my workstation and on a slave at the same time but now I am starting a prod with phoenixFD and I discovered I can't do that cause the GUI license only allows to take a look at the settings??? Is that really true? We can't even simulate with the GUI license?...

    Or please tell me I'm wrong and it's just my license server playing tricks on me...

    By the way I just submitted my first simulation on a slave and it worked perfectly! It's just that I had to wait for it angry in from of my gui license!
    Last edited by jstrob; 21-11-2016, 10:11 PM.


    Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
    Little Antman
    See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
    Some RnD involving PhoenixFD

  • #2
    I believe you need to do it via a script with backburner.

    since I'm just learning phoenix at the moment i just went with gui license. i didn't want to worry about figuring out these extra steps.


    • #3
      You don't need extra steps, just download the submiter here:

      I can do it, the problem is that I just discovered that the workstation license can't simulate when a slave is simulating when a user only has one sim and 1 gui license.


      Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
      Little Antman
      See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
      Some RnD involving PhoenixFD


      • #4
        Using 1 GUI+1 Simulation license you can either simulate on your workstation or on a remote machine but not at the same time.
        Georgi Zhekov
        Phoenix Product Manager


        • #5
          Ok thanks for confirming.


          Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
          Little Antman
          See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
          Some RnD involving PhoenixFD


          • #6
            That means I need to buy some simulation licenses. But why is the price in Euro so lower than the price in USD? It's 33% lower. I am in canada and I hope there was a better price for canadian in canadian dollars cause the canadian dollar is very weak.

            Is there a way I could buy from a european reseller instead of american one? In Quebec we are French so I hope I could buy from a France reseller like Progiss
            Last edited by jstrob; 22-11-2016, 09:55 AM.


            Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
            Little Antman
            See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
            Some RnD involving PhoenixFD


            • #7
              Hey Strob,

              There was a talk whether to have one or two sim licenses included in the default pack, but 1 GUI + 2 Sim would have made it more expensive. Not 100% sure about how the situation is with V-Ray, but isn't it 1+1 as well? Not sure about the currency differences either - you better drop a mail to sales@ and they would be able to answer in more detail.

              Btw, make sure you get a nightly build - they are open again for 3.0. There the submission menu is automatically installed and there's an ever growing list of fixes as well. We have much more work to do on automating the simulation submission though. Please if you find anything, let us know.

              Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


              • #8
                Ok cool! thanks I'll install the nightly right now!

                I already wrote to sales about that.

                For the pack I think you should have supplied 2 sim licenses (or even 4) for he same price cause if we compare with Houdini Indie, we get 4 simulation licenses for only 199$/year. I know max and chaosgroup don't offer prices for indie users but it makes it really uncompetitive for us. I don't know how many indie users like me there are but at that price the choice is now: continue to learn houdini and pay only 199$ for 4 sim licenses or buy only 1 sim license for a total of 2 with phoenix... For now I don't know houdini enough in the pyro departement yet so I'm forced to buy at least 1 sim license for Phoenix. But I wish there was an indie price so I could get both houdini and phoenixFD without worrying to much.

                On the other hand I like your support so much here on the forum and I want to support phoenix! I like the speed and the way it is designed so I hope I can still afford more sim licenses it in the future.


                Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
                Little Antman
                See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
                Some RnD involving PhoenixFD


                • #9
                  Indeed, the indie situation is really something Sales has to consider. Hope there will be progress on this.

                  Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

