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Fast moving mesh kills liquid particles

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  • Fast moving mesh kills liquid particles

    Hi all,

    I'm having an issue that may have a very simple fix that I'm missing.

    I'm filling an object with liquid with an animated spinning paddle mesh (like a propeller) inside it that displaces the liquid in a vortex style movement. However, as the paddle spins and displaces the water, it appears to kill the liquid particles continually until there's pretty much nothing left after a 200 or so frames. Is there a "kill by speed" parameter somewhere that I'm missing? The liquid doesn't appear to leave my object, just vanish.

    I've turned off "wetting" in both Phoenix FD Properties and in the PhoenixFDLiquid Container but can't seem to figure it out.

    If i remove the animated paddle from the simulation, the liquid just sits there and doesn't deplete (as it should).

    Thank you in advance for any help!

  • #2

    Been battling this issue for a while now. Some moving geometries would put the liquid particles in such positions they should not be in, and the particles would then be killed in order not to destabilize the simulation. For now you could improve on it using a higher grid resolution or simpler collision geometry. I hope we'll be able to get rid of this issue soon.

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Thank you for the reply,

      That's a shame but I'll try your suggestion.

