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Simulation Node and Restore function

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  • Simulation Node and Restore function


    I want to know if it is possible to launch a restore simulation on a "Simulation node " via the phoenix 3ds max interface. If yes can i do that with Backburner ?

    Details : I have 1 phoenix fd license + 2 simulation nodes
    I want to start my simulation to my main computer and after continue it on another workstation in order to work on another simulation on my main computer.

    I hope it is clear

    Thanks for the answer.

  • #2

    We do have to add such a function to the submitter dialogue. Right now you could do it by editing the maxscript that creates the submitter - check this thread:

    Hope this helps you to work around it for now.
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      First thanks for the fast answer,

      I have try to write the script but i know nothing about the scripting grammar.... and it didn't work ; there are error on my script

      Here my ms-script :

      --If there are selected simulators, use only those
      PhoenixFDObjectsAll = for o in selection where classof o == LiquidSim or classof o == FireSmokeSim or classof o == PHXSimulator collect o
      if PhoenixFDObjectsAll.count == 0 do( --Otherwise, use all PhoenixFD simulators
      PhoenixFDObjectsAll = for o in objects where classof o == LiquidSim or classof o == FireSmokeSim or classof o == PHXSimulator collect o
      -- Filter out the hidden particle group nodes from the actual simulators:
      PhoenixFDObjectsToSim = #()
      for i=1 to PhoenixFDObjectsAll.count do(
      local phxUserPropGroup = getUserProp PhoenixFDObjectsAll[i] "phxgroupname"
      local phxUserPropSysId = getUserProp PhoenixFDObjectsAll[i] "phx_system_id"
      if phxUserPropGroup==undefined and phxUserPropSysId==undefined do(
      append PhoenixFDObjectsToSim PhoenixFDObjectsAll[i]
      -- Start the simulation
      print PhoenixFDObjectsToSim
      for i=1 to PhoenixFDObjectsToSim.count do(
      A_StartSim <PhoenixFDLiquid001> [<\\SHODAN\test restore well\test restore well.max_Phoenix2_frames>


      If somebody can help me...
      Last edited by apside; 23-02-2017, 05:22 AM.


      • #4
        Ah, it would be way easier to modify Just change

        A_StartSim phoenixNode;

        to, e.g.

        A_StartSim phoenixNode "" 67;

        This would restore the simulation from frame 67. You have to revert that if you need a regular simulation though.

        But before that, make sure you have a latest nightly build
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5

          Fisrt of all The latest nigthly builds doesn't work for me ( the 27226 build is the latest who works on my computers) i go this error message when i launch 3dsmax :

          DLL <C:\Program Files \Autodesk\3ds max 2017\PlugIns\phoenixfd.dlr>failed to initialyse.
          Error code 126 - Le module spécifié est introuvable. (<- means the specified module not find)

          But it is another problem....

          secondly whit the 27226 buld installed I try to change the C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\Startup\
          1/ on my worsation -> the simulation always start at the first frame
          2/ on my slave pc -> idem

          I Have just ad the "" 705 (where 705 is the latest frame already simulated on my scene with a "can restore") on this part of the script as show below :

          -- Save a pre-render command in the scene that would start the simulation when the job is executed:
          simulateCommand = "PhoenixFDObjectsToSim = execute(getuserprop $PhoenixBackburnerHelper \"PhoenixBackburnerNodeHandles\"); for phoenixNodeHandle in PhoenixFDObjectsToSim do ( phoenixNode = (maxOps.getNodeByHandle phoenixNodeHandle); try( A_StartSim phoenixNode "" 705; A_Wait phoenixNode; )catch( print \"An exception occurred while simulating Phoenix FD!\" ) )"
          callbacks.addScript #preRender simulateCommand id:#PhoenixBackburnerScript persistent:true

          I have to go to Japan this monday for the stage setting of the videos that i figure to simulate....
          I stay 15 days.... If the error is obvious for you i will be very grateful to have a solution.
          If the error is not so simple don't spend time i'll will work with the simulation i already got.

          Thank you !


          • #6

            I added the restore function to the interface - please check tomorrow's nightly build (Feb 26) and see if it would work for you.

            The error you get on loading could mean that the installer had errors or that the V-Ray and Phoenix version have compatibility issues. Which V-Ray version do you have? Can you retry the installation as an administrator?

            Please ping me if you have any issues Cheers!
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #7
              Thanks for the fast answer,

              I didn't use V-vray for now. I use the 3dsmax scanline version.

              I have already try the installation with administrator privileges but i got the same error on two of my computer.

              I'm not shure but maybe the installation error can come from the fact that I have a simulation who was running on the slave pc when i try to install the new build on my main + rendering session including Phoenix . ( a licensing malfunction ?).
              I can't stop the simulation on my slave pc for testing because if I did I have to restart the simulation from the beginning. ( restoring on my worstation is possible but i already have another restoring session in progress).

              Thank again, i'll try the Feb 26 build as soon as possible / I'll try the installation without simulation/rendering in progress as soon also.

              Have a good day/night !
              Last edited by apside; 25-02-2017, 01:31 PM. Reason: date error


              • #8
                Alright, we found a problem with the defscanline builds in the nightlies! Thanks very much for reporting this! The problem first occurred in the builds from Feb 18, so you can get some older ones in order to work around it and it will be fixed in tomorrow's nightly as well.

                Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                • #9
                  Thank you..... from Tokyo!
                  I'll try it soon.


