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Phoenix FD to Krakatoa Questions

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  • Phoenix FD to Krakatoa Questions


    I'm still really new to phoenix and I'm wondering if someone could help me with some workflow questions? Right now I'm trying to take my Phoenix FD information into Krakatoa; however, I'm not really sure what steps I should take to export out this information correctly. I have a fire/smoke simulation with all of my finished simulation files, I just need to figure out how to get it into Krakatoa. I know I can right click the on the simbox inside of 3ds Max and use the export particles feature. However, when I do this I don't have any channels I can export out like I do with the water simulations. Is there something I need to enable for this to work? I basically want to export out the temperature, velocity and all of those channels that would be needed inside of Krakatoa.

    Also, if anybody knows of any tutorials or documentation out there that could give me and idea of how to work seamlessly with these two plugins that would be really helpful.


  • #2

    In order for the PRT export to work with smoke and fire simulations you need to make sure that you have particles enabled for you simulation in the source. Make sure that the checkbox is Enabled in the PHX Source - from there you can also enable the export of ids and age. If you want velocity make sure that you have the checkbox enabled in the Output rollout.

    Temperature can't be exported with the particles for now, but we have this in mind and it's in our to do list.
    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      Another quick question in regardless to the PRT reader. Is there away to edit the look of a PRT file using the Phoenix PRT reader? Right now the only way I can even get it to render the PRT file is by using a foam shader and linking it to the PRT reader. Is there away to have more control over the color and density of the PRT?



      • #4

        Currently you can't do much with the particle colors - the Particle Shader will shade the particles in just a single color, but we need to implement RGB shading too. Regarding density, you can generate more particles at render time using the Count Multiplier of the Particle Shader. Also, in Point mode you can control the opacity of the particles with the Point Alpha, or in Fog mode - with the Fog density control too.

        Hope this helps
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          Thank you!

