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Emitting from Material ID

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  • Emitting from Material ID

    Hi, I must be stupid or it isnt possible, but how can i get phoenix to emit from a material ID. I have thousands of fragments where i want phoenix to emit smoke from material ID 2. But I cant seem to find out how to do it. I know I can make particles from the mat id 2 but I would rather not use pflow. Im having problems getting a good result.
    Another question I would like to know... I also want to emit smoke from the cracks of the fragments and thought i could use the vrayedgetex to do this, but apparently that doesnt work, right? Any advice on how i can do this. It has to be automatic (like no painting along edges for a texture) cause it is a lot of fragments.
    Hope someone can help.

    Nils Arne Brekke
    Steamheads Studios

  • #2
    In the Source, there is an option for material id.
    Lasse Kilpia
    VFX Artist
    Post Control Helsinki


    • #3
      Where? I can only find for Object ID


      • #4
        Oh no, is Polygon ID the same as Material ID? I thought that was Object ID..


        • #5

          Currently, Phoenix supports emitting from a polygon ID and a vertex colour. Also, you can use a map/texture to emit from.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Steamheads View Post
            Oh no, is Polygon ID the same as Material ID? I thought that was Object ID..
            [Edited because I misspoke when I first replied]
            Poly ID and Mat ID should be the same but Object ID is different and applies to the whole object. You can get those poly ID selections procedurally so you don't actually have to select every surface. If you do the fracture with Rayfire, it allows you to set an ID for the fracture surface. If you do the fracture with Thinking Particles, it offers the same functionality. Depending on your setup, there are plenty of scripts that could help get selections as well.

            If you already have the Mat ID set and want to use that, you could just set the shader up to be a black/white shader where white is the emission spots and connect that to the source.
            Last edited by joshclos; 12-05-2017, 11:36 AM.
            Josh Clos
            FX / 3D Generalist

