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Hints on current WIP

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  • Hints on current WIP

    Hello, I'm very new to Maya/Vray/Phoenix and I'd like some input about how to accomplish some water effects. If you take a look at this simple animation preview, I have a turtle swimming, surfacing and swimming down again. I'd like to get some water bubbles (splashes) as the turtle moves its legs and arms, but it seems not possible unless I increase the turtleShape motion vector to 5 or 10 in which case all the water surface is getting crazy and obviously splashing massively all the water out of the grid. So how could I achieve this? Maybe using some fake hidden geometry (some tiny spheres that follow the legs/arms animation) and set a high motion vector on those only? Particle emitters hooked up on some specific points?
    Another question is if it's possible to establish how much the grid boundaries affect the water volume? I ask because it would be great if there was a way to control how much force is generated by the water collision on the grid volume, so that in this case I could tune it down have a rather flat water surface instead of a very waving one.
    Thanks and again sorry if these are newbie questions: as much as I looked around, I couldn't find much information.
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