Right now I am having trouble creating those kinds of fiery (near) zero-g explosions that can be seen in the latest Star Wars movies. Like this one from "Rogue One":

I am aware that these explosions consist of several parts, tons of glowy particles flying off, some of them creating smoke trails, etc. But I already have trouble creating that fiery main explosion, starting out as pure fire, not turning into smoke before the fiery part dies. The current explosion presets (and the few tutorials I've found) all deal with ground explosions, and some of them even start out as smoke from the get go. Any ideas on how to achieve fiery, chaotic explosions like these? I bet this would make an awesome preset

I am aware that these explosions consist of several parts, tons of glowy particles flying off, some of them creating smoke trails, etc. But I already have trouble creating that fiery main explosion, starting out as pure fire, not turning into smoke before the fiery part dies. The current explosion presets (and the few tutorials I've found) all deal with ground explosions, and some of them even start out as smoke from the get go. Any ideas on how to achieve fiery, chaotic explosions like these? I bet this would make an awesome preset
