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Limiting fire to large "licking" flames?

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  • Limiting fire to large "licking" flames?

    Hey guys. Very new to Phoenix for Maya so hopefully this isn't too dumb of a question.

    I'm matching some already existing fire in a live action plate and need to adjust my fire from the standard preset. (Or start from scratch if that's what's needed).

    Essentially, when I light an object on fire, the look of the preset is great but the whole surface is covered with a blanket of fire and there are larger flames licking off of it.

    I'd like to be able to keep the larger licking flames and reducer or totally remove the lower level blanket of fire. If that makes sense?

    I kind of liken it to using curves/levels in Photoshop... like I want to clip off the lower values of the fire to not even "light."

    I'm certain this is just a simple setting relating to the physics of fire, but I'm a little too green to know what to adjust!


    Oh and it's PFD 3.1 for Maya 2018

  • #2
    Hi there!

    Phoenix has that kind of curves which are two types - Discharge modifiers and Rendering curves.
    Discharge Modifiers allow you to tweak options of the source such as the general discharge strength and the amount of released Smoke, Fuel, etc. Also, if you have a sphere for example and want it to burn (to emit fire) just from the top half you should use discharge modifier curve based on Normal Z.
    Rendering curves in other hand are render-time, so there's no need for resimulation after you make a change. These curves are kind of similar with curves in Photoshop. For example, you can change the color of the fire in certain temperature range or cut it off in other range. You can control the smoke density and so on. You can find these curves in Rendering roll-out --> Fire, Smoke Color or Smoke Opacity. For more info please check the official documentation page:



    • #3
      Great thanks! I'm going to check those out today!

