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Enable/ Dis-Enable sims?

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  • Enable/ Dis-Enable sims?

    Sorry if I've missed something very basic here: I have multiple sims in one scene. So far the only way to sim them seems to be to select them individually and run each sim. But sometimes the sims that have already run seem to start simming again (ie not run from the cache) even though no values have changed? With maya fluids i would just untick 'enable' and the sim would not simulate.However I'm not sure how this works in phoenix. Is there a way to manage this, and prevent already simulated ones not to start again?

    Also how do you run multiple sims at once?

    Also why do the sims often automatically start from the beginning again rather than continuing?

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2

    currently, you can run only one simulation in Phoenix at the time. The easiest way to see this is to make two geometries far apart with two simulators (see the picture). Trying to simulate both at the same time will not work. If you don't delete the cache from the first simulation, the sim will be read the cache while simulating the second sim. So, it's not like starting over a new simulation. Anyway, you can always hide the sim. In the Phoenix Sim options, there's a rollout called Scene Interaction. If Exclude List is checked then every object (+ Phoenix sims) added in this list will not interact with the current simulation. If the simulators intersect at a certain point of simulation and they're not in exclude list then they can interact with each other.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Thanks. Would you generally exclude other PheonixFD sources in the interaction rollout to make sure they are not affected, or is this not really required unless their grid boundaries intersect? Also when you turn off a sim's visibility will it still affect the playback speed of another sim in any way?


      • #4
        You need to exclude the Phoenix sources only if you use the same source for different simulators and you don't like those to interact, otherwise is should be good. Hiding the simulation from the Outliner should work as if the sim is not there at all.

        As for the question why the simulations always start from the beginning - you can go to the last simulated frame and use the Restore button, this will start the sim from the last backup frame (every 15th frame by default).

        If you wish to simulate more than one simulator in a sequence you can right-click the Start icon in the Phoenix shelf and there are options how to run the sims.
        Georgi Zhekov
        Phoenix Product Manager


        • #5
          Yes, you can exclude sources and forces too. For example, If you have more than one sim and you want Turbulent force to be active only in one sim, then you should exclude the force from other sims. Another way, uncheck Exclude List - that way it will become an Include list. So, everything in that list will interact with the simulation. About the second question, no, hidden simulator won't and it shouldn't affect the playback speed of other sims.


          • #6
            Aah, hadn't realised that was what restore did. Thought it restored it back to the original. Also Is there a quick way of checking which sim is using which source?


            • #7
              By default every source will be used by every simulator, unless you exclude them from the Scene interaction rollout.
              Georgi Zhekov
              Phoenix Product Manager

