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Several issues with small boat in ocean

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  • Several issues with small boat in ocean


    I am creating this small boat in the ocean and following tutorials and help docs I ran into the following problems/questions:

    - Small boats like this have to move with the waves. I know that this cannot be simulated, I would not mind doing it by hand or create differently. What I have not understood yet is the connection to the grid. According to the ship-in-ocean-tutorial the simulation grid is linked to the boat. But when I rotate the boat, the grid rotates and the simulation goes crazy (as I would expect). What would be the usual technique in that case? Not linking and simulating with a much larger grid, increasing the sim time and data?

    - How do I get rid of the seam between grid and infinite ocean. It looks like rectangular object is moved under the surface pushing it up a little. Ocean-level and fill up are the same value.

    - The Foamtex does not seem to work, it only produces grainy dots. I noticed the small tiling value in the oceantex (was done by preset, not by me), but when I put it back to one, the foam looks better, but placed wrong, and the waves become way too small. System units is 1m, scene scale 1, boat is to scale (about 7m long).

    Any hints on these would be great!


    (See attached my settings and previews)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Liquid_settings.jpg
Views:	525
Size:	162.2 KB
ID:	1003277Click image for larger version

Name:	oceantex_settings.jpg
Views:	513
Size:	134.8 KB
ID:	1003276Click image for larger version

Name:	foamtex_settings.jpg
Views:	484
Size:	121.4 KB
ID:	1003278Click image for larger version

Name:	Boat_foamtex_coordinates_test_v01.jpg
Views:	560
Size:	657.3 KB
ID:	1003279

  • #2
    Have the grid follow the path of the boat with no rotation... doesn't work well when it rotates (unless this has been fixed recently)
    Adam Trowers


    • #3

      For the boat animation - you can disable the rotation as flipbook mentioned or as you have guessed unlink the simulator and the boat and make the grid larger.

      For the seam - you can play around with the ocean level - the value doesn't always have to match the fill up (it should be something similar).

      As for the foam - can you send us the scene so we can take a look?

      Georgi Zhekov
      Phoenix Product Manager


      • #4
        Thanks a lot to both of you for the quick answers!
        I see, this should work for the animation, thanks.
        I will try changing the ocean level. Do I have to resimulate then, so everything happens at the new height? Or is this merely a fix after each simulation, so I would have to change it back and forth?
        For the foam scene file I have attached the scene without boat model, since the boat is not made by me and I cannot distribute it freely in the forums. For the issue it should not make a difference. Thanks for having a look at it. I am using 3.11.00.



        • #5
          Okey - the fix for the foam is really simple.

          Set your Tiling for the Ocean texture to 1 and increase your Control by Wind speed to 3 for example (you will have to figure the best value for you) and the Rate of change to 1 - this will compensate for the scaling of the texture.
          This will fix the dots that the Foam texture is making. In order to fix the movement, select the Foam texture and turn off "Use the original non-displaced vertices".

          As for the ocean level, there is no need to resimulate - it's just a render setting.
          Georgi Zhekov
          Phoenix Product Manager


          • #6
            Ah, I see, the scaling issue concerns several parameters to work together. I guess that is the danger with automatic presets. It is great to get a starting point, but it is harder to find a reason for issues if values have been set automatically. Thanks a lot for looking at the file and clarifying things. I have just tried it with a new rendering and everything works now. I will have to fiddle with the settings, until everything looks just fine, but basically that solves the issues.

            Thanks again,


            • #7
              Now I have tested a little further, the boat rotates a little (testing for now with a noise controller), the grid stays unrotated but moves with the boat. I still have to work on the foamtex settings, they seem a little "unmotivated" here and there. But my new main issue is, that now that the boat rotates, suddenly there are relatively big linear waves piling up in front of the ship with a little distance. Where could they come from? How would I suppress them? See attached my max file and a video.





              • #8

                Unfortunately this is a known issue and I hope we can fix it soon. Eventually you can try to workaround it with more steps or more resolution, though I'm not sure that will solve it completely.
                I will update the thread when we have something on that.
                Georgi Zhekov
                Phoenix Product Manager


                • #9
                  Oh, bummer. I have just tested it increasing SPF 1 to 4 and cells from 13 mio to 25 mio. It is less prominent but obviously still there. Does this come from the rotation of the boat or the movement of the grid? Maybe I give it another try with a bigger grid, that is not moving then?




                  • #10

                    This is indeed caused by the movement of the simulator. If you can make the grid large enough, so that it covers the entire path of the boat and it doesn't have to move the problem with the waves should be solved.
                    Nikola Bozhinov, Phoenix FD developer


                    • #11
                      Hey, thanks for clarifying. I have made a test, the waves are gone indeed, even with lower SPF and cell count. It seems that with this technique the higher ocean detail within the simulator compared to the infinite ocean is more visible, maybe I have to increase the resolution for that...


                      Hopefully this will all work for the final scene. Thanks for your fast support!


                      • #12

                        To avoid this difference between the inside of the simulator and the infinite ocean you should increase the level of detail (subdivisions) on the ocean texture until it matches the detail in the simulator. However this will increase the amount of consumed RAM during rendering.
                        This is just a rendering setting, so there is no need to simulate again for it to work.

                        Also if you are using and older version of Phoenix FD it would be good to upgrade to the latest nightly as there are some improvements in it that may help avoid this seem whiteout going to high ocean subdivs.
                        Nikola Bozhinov, Phoenix FD developer


                        • #13
                          Thanks for the tip, I have already tested several subdivision settings and it did not really help. So I made a test rendering without any displacement and noticed, that there is already much noise on the water, seemingly due to the water level rising a bit. How could that be avoided? Maybe not enough SPF, I set it back to 1 for the last test?
                          Also another thing got visible this way: The water is black at the horizon. What could be causing that? I have no other visible objects in the scene besides the boat and the sim, there is a VraySun/Sky with lowered horizon and blue ground albedo. I have tried a pink vray plane under the water, but it is not visible with the water, without the water there is no black line, just pink. Are there any render settings that could cause this?

                          Here is the preview:

                          And the scene file:

                          I have used the latest official build, but I will ask for nightly access, thanks!


                          • #14

                            So for the noisy water - you can increase the scene scale, add more steps or just simulate a few frames before the animation start (just as a preroll, until the liquid settles).

                            As for the black line at the horizon - there are two things to change.
                            If you're using V-Ray Next (make a new material with the same settings an you will be fine). If you're using V-Ray 3.6 - make sure to set the highlight and reflection glossiness to 1.
                            The second one will be to render without the Physical camera - currently it's not working very well with Phoenix's ocean. I hope in the next few days we will have a better working build.

                            Georgi Zhekov
                            Phoenix Product Manager


                            • #15
                              Thanks for all the help, it is getting there slowly. Noise is less with higher SPF and a second of preroll, I did not change the scene scale, tbh I am afraid this changes eyerything again. With displacement it is not noticeable now. I just have to find the sweet spot here, I guess... This is still a proxy boat anyway, I will do more tests when I get the final geometry, hopefully everything keeps working then.
                              I have not received nightly access yet, I will test that as well.

                              I am still on Vray 3.6, glossiness to 1 helped with the black line, changing the camera from physical to standard did not seem to make a difference, but I will keep that in mind when creating the real shots.

                              Just as an update, it now looks like this, it is interesting how the noise seems to be stuck at the surface like mud. Also I have lost some of the boat's foam and waves, but it is no use to tweak that until I have the real geometry.




