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Streaks in ocean surface, flat horizon

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  • Streaks in ocean surface, flat horizon

    Have some issues for your consideration.
    Using V-Ray 3.60.04 nightly 28450 and Phoenix 3.11.03 nightly 2018082528462.
    Grid is 72 million, SPF 4, everything 1:1 scale, ship movement 25 knots.
    Examples attached show frame 150 and 200. Yes I have the ocean level a bit high on 150, but it is settling out later. The shot is 3500 frames.
    Significant streaks in the water surface show up through the displacement. Are some water particles stuck to the leading edge of the container?

    Also the horizon is flat when the physical camera motion blur is turned on, less so (but still unusual flat) when mo-blur is off.
    Turning off motion blur introduces dark artifacts on the wavelets. Turning on blur smooths out the dark artifacts, but the horizon really flattens out.
    Smoothing increase from 1 to 2 has no notable effect on the streaks, Ocean subdivs 2.0. Horizon roughness 1.0.
    Lighting is bright hdri with vray sun, and global illumination OFF, so render time is under 4 minutes on my small farm.

    Any suggestions for improvement?
    Thanks again,
    Ron Porter
    Mustang, Oklahoma

  • #2
    Hi there. Please, try with the latest Phoenix nightly build due to some changes we've made. If the problem persists we would work on for some solution.


    • #3
      Hey George,

      I was running the nightly 28462 from Saturday to produce these shots.
      I found the change log on 28466 on the horizon issue, but will have to wait for a compile for VRay 3.60 to try that fix.
      Will this require a new sim or is this just a rendering issue?
      Does this also address the streaks?



      • #4

        it's a rendering issue, so resimulation would not be required.


        • #5
          We did some changes to the ocean horizon in today's nightly.

          The streaks are particles that have jittered away from the grid alignment. For now you could experiment with the simulator depth or the input smoothing or mesh smoothing options to eliminate them.
          Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


          • #6
            Will force a new Phoenix nightlies for V-Ray 3 in a minute and they should be ready in an hour.
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #7
              Awesome. Thanks as always for your great support!


              • #8
                3dsMax 2019
                Vray 3.60.04 Nightly 20180815 28450
                Phoenix 3.11.03 Nightly 20180825 28462
                Scale 1:1. Grid 79million cells, liquid 52million. At frame 380, splashes 84k, foam 33 million.
                At frame 380, cache file size 752Mb, sim time per frame 18 minutes on i7-2600K@3.40 no overclock.
                Ocean cache simulated with 3.11.03 nightly 20180901 28479 used in scene built from scratch using nightly 28462 (ship is xref)
                Render time average 3 minutes with DR on my small farm 5 each i7-2600K@3.40 - 32gb ram
                GI Off, only using Vray sun + Vray dome with HDRI. Vray physical camera. No post.
                Ship is cruising at 25 knots.

                The horizon is much better, Great job and many thanks for the nightly updates!
                Streaks are still there but with enough detail and agitation on the surface are not so visible. Also I moved the sim container forward so there is 55 feet of open water in front of the hull which seemed to help.

                Now waiting for enough frames to sim and render for animation. Ocean sim is on dedicated machine, and will take a month unless I buy some better hardware.

                Ron Porter
                Mustang, Oklahoma

