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phoenix renders dark when using maps in environment slot / gi environment slot in render panel versus in a dome light - missing direct portion to scatter with?

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  • phoenix renders dark when using maps in environment slot / gi environment slot in render panel versus in a dome light - missing direct portion to scatter with?

    Heya folks,

    I just noticed that if I'm doing a quick test and use a vray sun / sky for a cloud render, letting vray add a sky map to the environment slot doesn't affect phoenix, as if it's missing the direct component of the environment light. I tried the GI environment map slot and it's the same thing. Puttin gthe map into a dome light instead gives the correct contribution. Oddly enough if I put a sphere into the same shot, the sphere will get the same level of lighting from the environment regardless which of the 3 ways I use the sky map. We always render with domelights for hdr's to get light selects it's not a problem either way.



  • #2
    Will try to repro it as soon as I'm back to a desktop, right now not sure why this might happen. What if you turn off the phx light cache?
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3

      When using a texture inside of the Environment slot - the direct lighting contribution is not calculated.

      This is by design, though there are many requests to equalize the behavior with the one from the Dome light - so at some point we will make it to look the same.

      Georgi Zhekov
      Phoenix Product Manager


      • #4
        I getcha, again on my side we always use light selects for everything so no problem my side, hopefully it'll push everyone towards adaptive domelight too!

