Hey Guys
unfortunately we have a problem with the 3.12 version of Phoenix.
local all the simlulation works just fine but when i submit a sim over deadline to a renderblade, all cacheframes are getting stored localy on the blade.
The maya script ed shows this error while submitting:
// Warning: Phoenix FD: Invalid cache path specified `/media/CX_VFX/_INTERN/FELIX/phoenixFD_Test/data/`! Falling back to default. //
hopefully one of you has an idea.
We are working with Maya 2018 &Phoenix 3.12
Thank you in advance
Felix Brosche
3D Artist
unfortunately we have a problem with the 3.12 version of Phoenix.
local all the simlulation works just fine but when i submit a sim over deadline to a renderblade, all cacheframes are getting stored localy on the blade.
The maya script ed shows this error while submitting:
// Warning: Phoenix FD: Invalid cache path specified `/media/CX_VFX/_INTERN/FELIX/phoenixFD_Test/data/`! Falling back to default. //
hopefully one of you has an idea.
We are working with Maya 2018 &Phoenix 3.12
Thank you in advance
Felix Brosche
3D Artist