I quickly wanted to shoot a question into your direction regarding *.aur files and V-Ray standalone.
I'm trying to render a vrscene (Exported from 3ds Max and phoenix for 3ds Max) that contains a phoenix sim, the sim input points to a sequence of .aur files.
It works and renders fine (in standalone) on my windows workstation where I have phoenix installed. Now Phoenix is not installed on the linux rendernodes but V-Ray standalone is.
Now I'm assuming that I need to have PhoenixFD installed on those Linux boxes in order to have the necessary libraries that can read .aur files.
I've tried to install the trial version of Phoenix but I don't own anything Maya and Autodesk is not letting me download the trial for some reason.
(I get a Java null pointer exception when I try the download).
Now For a quick fix, I wanted to ask if it is possible to make it work in any other way?
I'm assuming that .vdb files will work work but they are not nearly as small and will not be able represent Foam, Mist, Splashes etc, right?
So I guess my question is, would it be possible to get a "library installer" for Linux that does not need Maya. And if that is too much of a hassle, would it be possible to somehow get the necessary libraries as a zip file and manually copy them in the plugins directory?
Thanks for any info on that issue.
I quickly wanted to shoot a question into your direction regarding *.aur files and V-Ray standalone.
I'm trying to render a vrscene (Exported from 3ds Max and phoenix for 3ds Max) that contains a phoenix sim, the sim input points to a sequence of .aur files.
It works and renders fine (in standalone) on my windows workstation where I have phoenix installed. Now Phoenix is not installed on the linux rendernodes but V-Ray standalone is.
Now I'm assuming that I need to have PhoenixFD installed on those Linux boxes in order to have the necessary libraries that can read .aur files.
I've tried to install the trial version of Phoenix but I don't own anything Maya and Autodesk is not letting me download the trial for some reason.
(I get a Java null pointer exception when I try the download).
Now For a quick fix, I wanted to ask if it is possible to make it work in any other way?
I'm assuming that .vdb files will work work but they are not nearly as small and will not be able represent Foam, Mist, Splashes etc, right?
So I guess my question is, would it be possible to get a "library installer" for Linux that does not need Maya. And if that is too much of a hassle, would it be possible to somehow get the necessary libraries as a zip file and manually copy them in the plugins directory?
Thanks for any info on that issue.