When rendering via backburner only my workstation (with Phoenix FD installed and FD license) is rendering the Ocean Textures. All render nodes just do not render the ocean (not getting error messages though - just no ocean in the rendered frames...). The path to the Sim in the output settings of the liquid simulator in the scene is a functional network path, so nodes can access sim data (if they have to - I am not sure if this is needed for rendering anyways).
However, my understanding is that on render nodes only a valid Vray render license needs to be installed, not a Phoenix FD license. (I had asked chaosgroup suppport about this to earlier to clarify).
Do the PhonixFD textures need to be installed on the render nodes ot render the ocean?
However, my understanding is that on render nodes only a valid Vray render license needs to be installed, not a Phoenix FD license. (I had asked chaosgroup suppport about this to earlier to clarify).
Do the PhonixFD textures need to be installed on the render nodes ot render the ocean?