In my production scene, increasing the substeps actually makes the problem worse (instead of little pockets of phantom velocities, I get giant bubbling/exploding areas)....and changing the scene scale "works" until you re-adjust gravity to match and then the problem is identical to before. So as far as my own scenes go, there isn't a workaround. I guess we will keep waiting 
Edit: actually I take that back, while double-checking the increase substep workaround, it seems the extra velocities I was experiencing are caused by liquid consumption (wetting) in my particular scene. When I disable that, the sim is relatively stable. So I guess there is a workaround for the time being. Thanks!

Edit: actually I take that back, while double-checking the increase substep workaround, it seems the extra velocities I was experiencing are caused by liquid consumption (wetting) in my particular scene. When I disable that, the sim is relatively stable. So I guess there is a workaround for the time being. Thanks!