I am trying to export an ocean mesh from my scene. After enabling "Export as mesh" in the Export tab of the sim I am exporting the scene in alembic format (tried full scene and tried export selected for the ocean only). It looks like all frames (having a scene with 300 frames total here...) are beeing calculated. However, the exported Alembic file only holds the first frame once I import it back to 3DsMax or another software. Am I missing out something here? I also did try to only export e.g. the first 5 frames - same result. Looking at the alembic ABC file it definelty looks "to small" in filesize (so looks like it only does contain 1 frame and not more).....any help appreciated!
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Problems exporting mesh
Hi Georgi,
I am using the latest Phoeonix Rlease and the latest Max 2019 Version as well.
Do you have a testscene thatworks on your end so I can try here? Or shouldI send you my scene?
Also: I am only simulating a few frames (as this is what is recommended and needed for a ocean mesh only setup). Could this be the reason? (but then I should at least get like 10 frames as this is what I have simulated as .aur files from that scene)?
Check the video https://youtu.be/guz23c0YlEk - if it's still not working send over the scene and we'll take a look.Georgi Zhekov
Phoenix Product Manager
Thanks for the Youtube link: Doing it like in the youtube video - it actually does work here with my scene as long as I simulate every frame to be exported (again - before I only did siimulate a few frames at the beginning of the timeline) - I do get some drop outs (some farmes ant the beginning and end of the timelin missing in the alembic export) but that is somethign I can workaround. I was hoping itĀ“s possible to export the ocean mesh without actually having to sim all keyframes, but I guess this is just not possible (correct me if I am wrong here),
Hello Georgi,
hereĀ“s the scene:
Also I have noticed, that avter export and then import inot another scene "mapping coordinates" seem to not be working anymore. Is there any way I can reimport an exported mesh and then be able to put the original shader (ocean tex file on vray material) onto the reimported mesh and have it render like the original (phoenix generated) oceamesh?
Thanks for the scene, looks like there is an issue when exporting the mesh with Pure Ocean mode. We'll take a look and I'll update the thread when we know more.
As for the importing to a new scene - if you're using the World XYZ the mesh should be positioned in the same world position as in the original scene in order to get the correct mapping of the Phoenix texture.
The other way would be to use Object space that will be relative the the position of the simulator (mesh).
Cheers,Georgi Zhekov
Phoenix Product Manager
If you get a latest nightly build from today the ocean export should be working a lot better. Though note that when exporting in Pure Ocean mode there will be no velocity for the ocean mesh - we hope to implement that at a later stage.
Cheers,Georgi Zhekov
Phoenix Product Manager
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