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Message "Failed To Clone atmosphereic effect "Phoenix FD", not rendering reflectsion on ocean mesh

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  • Message "Failed To Clone atmosphereic effect "Phoenix FD", not rendering reflectsion on ocean mesh

    I have a scene with Phoenix FD Ocean Mesh in 3Ds Max 2019.

    - On rendering the scene with Vray Next GPU: All looks fine - environment reflections on the ocean are visible (using a HDRI Map for environment), but renders crazy slow (takes forever to render pass 0 - much slower then Vray next). I am using low settings (light cache is Brute force, noise on 0,05 and 2048 samples limit)- When pre-rendering in IPR frame buffer it renders faster though!
    - On rendering preview with IPR in the frame buffer it does all look good and renders faster (faster then when doing a final render - much faster)

    - on rendering the scene with Vray Next: Renders in normal speed but NO environment reflections on the ocean (also when pluggin in the hdri tenvironment map directly in the render settings into the slots and not only in the environment settings)
    - I am getting the messege " "Failed To Clone atmospheric effect "Phoenix FD"" in the render log.

    I would be ok to render without GPU but in NEXT I am not getting the right image result (no envrionment reflections).
    Ocean mesh settings I tried different ones - no change - at the moment it´s set to: ocean subdivisions 3 and smoothness 12.
    My box has 7500 cuda cores and similar ocean mesh shots rendered very fast with GPU. Is the HDRI Map a problem in general? (tried 8k and 4k hdri maps - tried different ones always same results).

    Thanks for help!
    Last edited by kangoocarl1; 30-04-2019, 12:37 PM.

  • #2

    CPU IPR is not supported by Phoenix, though the mesh should probably render. About the environment reflections, would it be possible to share the scene?

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Hi Svetlin,

      wasn´t aware of CPU IPR not beeing supported. I have meanwhile figured out the environment reflection issue: My HDRI environment was used by a (oldschool) sky-dome i had setup. This messed upt the scene when turning on the ocean (workes fine without the ocean). I now just jused the HDRI as conventional environment map and all works fine and fast. (the sky-dome was a simple dome with a HDRI plugged into a vray light emissive material).



      • #4
        Ahh, good catch!
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

