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Ocean surface flicker on first simulated frame...

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  • Ocean surface flicker on first simulated frame...

    On my latest version of helicopter crashing to sea, I get this weird problem with the first simulated frame.
    (Check the gif or the jpeg sequence found in rar file attached)

    I'm rendering frames 0-600, but the simulation starts from frame 116. So the first part of the animation is using frame 116 as the nearest frame.
    Frame 116 renders fine but the next two frames 117 and 118 have faded displacement. I'm using "Fade Above Velocity" in the displacement settings, which works fine for the rest of the simulation, but causes this "error" on first frames.

    Anyway to fix it? ...other than not using velocity fade...


    Click image for larger version

Name:	Heli_Crash_05.gif
Views:	222
Size:	895.8 KB
ID:	1038540

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Heli_Crash_05_Render_tab.PNG
Views:	81
Size:	56.2 KB
ID:	1038541

    Attached Files
    Lasse Kilpia
    VFX Artist
    Post Control Helsinki

  • #2
    ...and another problem with foam and splash rendering.

    Helicopters blades are rotating really fast, almost invisible in render, but the foam and splash particles are cut out like the blades didnt have motion blur at all.
    Foam and splash are rendered as points using motion blur from renderer.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Heli_Crash_05_Particle_rendering_error.jpg
Views:	104
Size:	177.4 KB
ID:	1038565
    Lasse Kilpia
    VFX Artist
    Post Control Helsinki


    • #3

      Can you send over the scene so we can take a look? Definitely there is something fishy about the displacement.

      As for the foam and splashes does it get better if you disable the Light Cache in the Particle Shader?
      Georgi Zhekov
      Phoenix Product Manager


      • #4
        I'll send the scene at Monday. Allready out of the office.
        Lasse Kilpia
        VFX Artist
        Post Control Helsinki


        • #5
          ...and yes. Disabling the light cache did fix the problem with the motion blurred blade.
          Lasse Kilpia
          VFX Artist
          Post Control Helsinki

