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Water simulating inside object

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  • Water simulating inside object

    I have an object that the liquid grid keeps simulating water inside off. I'm using an ocean-based grid, I've tried having just solid object selected, both solid object and clear inside selected, and just having clear inside selected, but no combination keeps the water from being inside the object. I've made sure the mesh is closed too.

    Anything else I'm missing?

  • #2
    Hey, any chance your normals are flipped? Also, this sounds like the effect you'd get if you have the object selected as a Confine Geometry, is this off for you?
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      All the normals are facing the correct direction, and the confine geometry is turned off.


      • #4
        In this case, could you attach the problematic setup? Thanks!
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          Here is the file. I also found another issue: when I render, you can clearly see the grid area from the expanded ocean. Not sure how to fix that. I made the grid bigger thinking the wake was causing it, but it's still happening.

          I'm using the "phoenixFD_adv_31401_max2019_vray3_x64_29241_insta ll" nightly install.
          Attached Files


          • #6

            I just opened the scene, turned on Clear inside for the geo and run the sim. Looks fine to me. Here is how it looks.
            If you're talking about the back part with propellers - you will need quite more resolution as well as the clear inside turned on. Currently the geo is larger than the simulator's cells.


            Attached Files
            Georgi Zhekov
            Phoenix Product Manager


            • #7
              OK for some reason it's not working for me. Is there anything we can do about the grid being easily seen with the ocean mesh when it's rendered?


              • #8
                Hey, let me explain in more detail:

                There are two possibilities when using Fillup For Ocean - any submerged geometry would be filled with liquid up to the ocean level by default, or if you check Clear Inside on any submerged geometry, its inner part would be cleared from liquid. Usually you are either looking at a geometry from the outside so it's not a problem that the inside it filled with liquid as the solid render will hide it, or alternatively - you need to see the inside of the vessel, so you can clear the inside and outside does not matter. Do you need to make a cutoff render of the vessel where you need the inside to be cleared but the outside must cleanly contact the ocean liquid as well?
                Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                • #9
                  I just tried it again and it seems to work now. Not sure what was happening before, but look like just closing and reopening the file worked fine.

                  What do I do about the grid being obvious with the ocean?


                  • #10

                    You will need to play around with the Ocean subdivs value. You can find more about it here -
                    Georgi Zhekov
                    Phoenix Product Manager


                    • #11
                      That isn't fixing the issue, doesn't matter what number I put it at, the borer of the grid never changes.


                      • #12
                        What if you move your ocean level a bit up or down in the rendering rollout?
                        Georgi Zhekov
                        Phoenix Product Manager


                        • #13

                          Do you still have issues with the rendering? I couldn't reproduce the problem you're having with the attached scene.

                          If you still can't figure it out, just send the scene over and we'll take a look.

                          Thank you,
                          Georgi Zhekov
                          Phoenix Product Manager

