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Water Jitter

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  • Water Jitter

    Does this water look jittery or are my eyes playing tricks?

  • #2

    Can you disable the displacement as a test so we can check if it's the culprit or is it the simulation?

    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      Yes, here it is disabled: Tried all of these....Light angles, Gi on/off, Ambient light on/off, Phoenix Dynamics Quality setting up, Motion blur on/off, Removing HDR, Lowered Reflection/Refraction, Displacement on/off


      • #4


        • #5
          Does it help if you switch your render mode to Isosurface? If this still doesn't help, then it could be that your resolution is not high enough.

          You have a pretty big grid and your camera is really close to the liquid. Just for the test you could make the grid smaller so it can fit only what the camera sees and increase the grid resolution.
          Georgi Zhekov
          Phoenix Product Manager


          • #6
            I made the box smaller and increased the resolution and this looks much better. A bit grainy, although might just be water spray droplets on the water. Let me know what you think. Thanks. (Tried the isosurface but it didn't help.)


            • #7
              Hmm, if the flying particles are splashes, check the Initial Vel. Rand for Splashes and zero it.
              Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


              • #8
                So here's a perspective looking out into the ocean. You can see the spray is shooting off the wave like bullets. Way to fix it?


                • #9

                  Let me make sure we are on the same page and we are talking about the same thing. I'm looking at these:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_3.png
Views:	402
Size:	203.6 KB
ID:	1048995Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_3.png
Views:	329
Size:	203.6 KB
ID:	1048996

                  And it looks to me like you are rendering with a Particle Shader in Point mode, you have enabled motion blur and you have a Motion Blur Mult. on the particle shader set way too high, or your rendering motion blur duration is too high. Could that be it?
                  Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                  • #10
                    So do you mean that more motion blur would help or less motion blur? I thought if I use less MB then it will look worse, even MORE like throwing sand.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      I suggest you start by overhauling the simulation settings entirely. Compare all your simulation settings, including the scene and simulator scale, as well as the wave force settings to the Beach Waves example:
                      Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                      • #12
                        Blur increase on left. Middle is original. Right is zero motion blur.
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          There is very little difference in my simulation and the Beach Waves sample provided. What we are dealing with is just particles moving at a fast rate which comes from the wind speed. The sample isn't from this close either. Hmmm.


                          • #14
                            Hmm, are the splash and foam particles selected twice in the particle shaders, or are you rendering two different sets of splashes and foam? Also, which Phoenix version are you using? There was an issue with Force On of the motion blur in older versions when the renderer motion blur was disabled. Do you have motion blur in your camera, or is it also off? And finally, would it be possible to also share your wave force settings? The overall result of the simulation looks very different from the beach waves example and there must be something you are missing. For example I don't see foam patterns forming at all and the particles are fairly uniformly distributed...
                            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

