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Particle density missmatch between local and network rendering.

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  • Particle density missmatch between local and network rendering.

    Hi, i have noticed a huge difference in particle density between when i render locally and when i sen dthe job to the farm via deadline.

    Here's a grab of the local render & same frame from the farm render.

    Now i am setting the count multiplier to 0.01 , but that is the same for both network & local.

    any ideas why?

  • #2

    Just to make sure - are you using the same versions of V-Ray and Phoenix locally and on the network?

    What are the Phoenix and V-Ray versions you are using?
    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      3.14.00, Build ID: 20190427


      V-ray Next, update 2 (

      Ah yes a few slaves were on a newer version.of V-ray

      Thanks for pointing that out!


      • #4
        Ok, so now all the slaves are on the same V-ray version, but i'm still seeing the difference. Infact, if i put my mahcine, which renders lots more particles locally, into slave it will pick up the job and render less particles like the rest of the farm.

        Could it be something to do with the count mulitplier spinner?


        • #5
          I can't seem to reproduce it in here. Does this happen if you export the scene as a vrscene and render it out with Standalone?
          From the right click menu select the vrscene exporter and press the Export and render button.

          Can you send over the scene along with a cache file so we can see what is going on?

          Georgi Zhekov
          Phoenix Product Manager


          • #6
            Originally posted by georgi.zhekov View Post
            I can't seem to reproduce it in here. Does this happen if you export the scene as a vrscene and render it out with Standalone?
            From the right click menu select the vrscene exporter and press the Export and render button.

            Can you send over the scene along with a cache file so we can see what is going on?

            Sure, here they are. The cache file is too big to upload, iell put a wetransfer link.

            Attached Files


            • #7
              Ah, could it be that you're rendering at different resolution locally and on the farm?

              When rendering in Point mode, changing the Image Output resolution from the Render Settings will affect the appearance of the particles rendered as points. This is due to the fact that points are treated as pixel-sized. If you double the resolution, make sure to double the Point Alpha and Point Radius settings as well.

              Georgi Zhekov
              Phoenix Product Manager


              • #8
                You can find more about how the Particle Shader works here -|PHX Foam-PointPoint

                Georgi Zhekov
                Phoenix Product Manager


                • #9
                  Bingo! you've nailed it.

                  When rendering locally i'm using the IPR in V-ray which is set to 50%.

                  Thanks a lot Georgi.

