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Liquid Disappearing

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  • Liquid Disappearing

    Filling up an object is one thing, but I'm just trying to fill a grid. I have the container walls all set to (Jammed both) but the liquid isn't filling up, it's just staying near the bottom. What am I missing?

    Thank you
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hey, not enough info unfortunately. How do you fill the grid - do you use a source and what settings and shape does it have? How does the liquid look now, and what are your Dynamics settings?
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      I think I figured it out. I had to boost the outgoing velocity so I could notice the fill within a smaller timeframe. But now I'm losing most of my foam. I'm using the beer sim preset emitting from a sphere. The quickstart liquid tutorial didn't cover a lot of these details and the location or availability of options has changed since the 2014 beer sim tutorial (I'm sure for the better, it's just frustrating digging around). I found some third party training, but features are different even from 2018 so I have to rely heavily on what's available here.


      • #4
        Make sure to go through the first paragraphs of

        Without showing how your setup behaves, we can just guess, so here it goes. Still, please share a screenshot or a video of your setup if you need help, otherwise the answer could be all over the place:
        1. You can track the number of liquid and foam particles under the cache file content box in the Simulation rollout - this way you'd know if your particles are dying, or they are just getting bunched up and losing their volume.
        2. Check your scene scale, look up its importance in the docs under the Grid and Simulation rollouts.
        3. The liquid would keep its volume better and would not collapse on itself with more Steps per Frame.
        4. The foam would keep its volume with more B2b Interaction.
        5. The foam has a Half Life option and bubbles pop over time. Look up the FLIP particle lifecycle in the docs.

        Hope this helps!
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          Hi Svetlin,
          I have the camera zoomed in on the bottom instead of using the full height of the grid. But I'll mostly just get dramatic splashing this way instead of a good visualization of the pour filling up over time. As far as all of the documentation provided, I've been combing over it non stop:


          • #6
            Hmm, is there any loss of foam or liquid particles looking at the Cache File Content box?
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #7
              No, there doesn't appear to be a loss of foam anymore. I need to keep tweaking it so I understand how the foam will accumulate at the top. I think I figured it out the fluid loss by boosting the velocity and steps back up. However, I hope to eventually nail down the relationship between Steps per Frame, Scene Scale, & Velocity. From just poking around in here it's almost as if the fluid doesn't fill at all with a step of just 1 or 2 (for previsualization purposes).

