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Can't get chocolate to keeps its form

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  • Can't get chocolate to keeps its form

    Hey there,
    I am trying to keep chocolate to retain its shape like in the image. If I put the viscosity to 1 or just under, the chocolate it WAY too solid and is just a lump. I have tried .9 vis and anything from 1 down to .5 Surf Tension but I still end up with the chocolate just oozing away. I would be happy for some settling of the shape but just to hold a small amount of height but to no avail. I have non-netonian down to around .05 also. Sticky is set to 1.

    Can anyone recommend the combo of settings I need to try and replicate this sort of look.. thank you.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hmm, what sounds a bit suspicious is the use of non-neetonian - do you really need it? What if you zero it or at least reduce it?
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      As Svetlin already said, non-newtonian works in quite opposite way - it decreases the viscosity when the motion disapears, so there is no way to keep stable shape using non newtonian.
      Do you have wetting? If not changed, sticky should work only when wetting is enabled, so if you want the chocolate suck to the geometry, you need wetting enabled.
      VRScans developer


      • #4
        Hey, I have a slightly better result with the chocolate but it still doesn't hold it's shape, the chocolate just oozes down the sides. Wetting on, Sticky 1, Non-newt - 0, Surface Tension - 1 (though I have had that up to 5), Viscosity - the most I can go is .9 otherwise it becomes too viscos and doesn't actually flow down properly.


        • #5
          Okay, now another option that worries me - why do you need surface tension? What would happen of you reduce it or zero it?
          Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


          • #6
            Will give that a crack, but I though I needed the surface tension to add to the whole keeping the shape of the poured chocolate? will consult the doco.

