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Outside simulator foam- glitch

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  • Outside simulator foam- glitch

    Hi there,

    I have attached a couple of frames of a quick test I was doing. It seems like if the foam goes outside the boundary of the simulator it becomes burnt/full white. This only happens on one axis though, the left/right part of the simulator but not the back of the simulator. I assume it's a bug?

  • #2
    Can you check what happens if you uncheck the Liquid SImulator link in the Particle Shader?
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Hmm, indeed if I disable that, the glitch dissapears. What I find really weird is that it only happens on 2 sides of the simulator, left and right, not front and back. (I mean the foam outside the simulator forward/back is ok, but outside left/right is not ok)


      • #4
        Indeed, the Liquid Simulator option not only checks if a particle is inside the simulator's liquid mesh, but also checks if it's under the ocean level and other heuristics, so outside the simulator in Cap mode there could be weird things happening. When you switch to Ocean Mesh for the final render, it should not look like this.
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

