When I load a PRT file in using a Krakatoa PRTLoader I can select this PRTLoader as the particle source for a ParticleShader (PHXFoam). This renders correctly with VRay CPU. However, it renders nothing with VRay GPU (hotfix1).
The same thing seems to happen with a Phoenix PRTReader.
The Particle Shader renders fine if the particles come from a Phoenix Liquid directly.
The Krakatoa tools (esp MagmaModifer) are indispensable when dealing with particle stuff. So I am really hoping this can be made to work.
The same thing seems to happen with a Phoenix PRTReader.
The Particle Shader renders fine if the particles come from a Phoenix Liquid directly.
The Krakatoa tools (esp MagmaModifer) are indispensable when dealing with particle stuff. So I am really hoping this can be made to work.