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Sample Scene NUKE - Smoke not disappearing

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  • Sample Scene NUKE - Smoke not disappearing

    Hi everyone!

    I am quite new to Phoenix FD, so I downloaded the NUKE Scene from the Sample Scenes. I want to make the smoke disappear atfer like 750 Frames, but thats not happening.

    The Smoke of the Mushroom fades away, but the smoke on the ground, the blast wave, stays.

    Same if I turn on the SMOKE DISSIPATION.

    I want to fade away all the smoke, so that nothing is there anymore and I can loop the scene...

    Can anybody help me with that?

    With SMOKE DISSIPATION 0 it looks like this atfer 1000 Frames:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	testnuke.jpg
Views:	127
Size:	555.9 KB
ID:	1081716

    How can I control the smoke on the floor and the smoke going straight up, to make it disappear after 750 Frames?


  • #2

    Smoke dissipation IS the option you need.

    Are you sure you are not creating new smoke all the time?

    Also, if you set the Smoke Dissipation to 1.0, then all the smoke should disappear on the next frame, except for the newly created one. Can you check if this is how it works in your scene as well? It's a sanity check to make sure we are looking in the right place for the issue

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      I will give it a try. I took the original sample scene, did not make any changes, but I dont think there is smoke created all the time.

