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Particle Shader Crash with new Cache Files

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  • Particle Shader Crash with new Cache Files


    I updated my sim because of customer feedback.

    The Problem is that the new cache file produces some errors while collection particles and then crashes maya.
    If I use the old Cache it works fine.

    Somebody else such Problems?
    Would be nice if you guys could take a look into that.

    I'll send the Files and Caches to Support

    I use Maya 2019.3.1, Vray 5 hotfix 1(v5.00.21 from Sep 22 2020) and Phoenix FD 4.30.00 Build ID 20200912 (It's the newest official release)

  • #2
    Oh, are you loading caches from a newer Phoenix with an older Phoenix? This can't work - only older caches can be opened with a new Phoenix...
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      I tried the newest nightly from today (4.20.03 Build ID 202009233034 and its not working. the Cache is made with the Build from 15 of September

      I'm also a little confused about the Versioning from Phoenix FD. The Build from today 4.20.03 Build ID 2020092330348 is higher then the latest offical Build which was released today I think. I received the mail today. This Build hast the Version number 4.30.00 Build ID 20200912.

      I sent the Files to support


      • #4
        Ah, so if possible, please send the cache to Support and we'll check it.

        You are correct about the versioning:

        - 4.20.03 is the nightly that comes out this morning
        - 4.30.00 is the release build that comes out today at noon
        - 4.30.01 will be tomorrow's nightly

        Please consider that when we do a release, the release builds come from a point in the nightlies from 10 days to a couple of weeks earlier - we have to test them and make sure they are working correctly, so naturally the nightlies from today contain more things than the release build, but they might not be stable.

        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          Hi, thanks for the info.

          I sent it to the support with 3 Cached Frames from the old and new sim

          Thanks for looking into it!



          • #6
            Hey, thanks, got the caches! Both old and new seem to load here properly with 4.30.00 in Maya 2020, but since you mentioned errors in rendering, I will need more information:

            - The caches contain Liquid and Wetmap particle systems. Do you render any of these using a Particle Shader? If yes, can you share the settings of the particle shader?
            - Can you share the exact text of the errors you are getting?

            Thank you!
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #7
              Hi, what about Maya 2019? I use Maya 2019.3.1.

              Yes, I use a Particle Shader linkt to the LiquideParticles to fake some bubbles. Should be in the Scene. See attached Picture.

              The last Error is Phoenix Particle Shader - Collectiong Particles and then it crashes...


              • #8
                Originally posted by tobiasroesli View Post
                The last Error is Phoenix Particle Shader - Collectiong Particles and then it crashes...
                Can you send over the Phoenix log file from C:\PhoenixFD right after it crashes? Maybe it will contain some useful information... Dialed in the same settings into a new particle shader but still could not crash it, so there must be something specific happening..
                Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                • #9
                  Sorry, didn't knew this Folder

                  I sent it to support via wetransfer



                  • #10
                    I tried it with Maya 2020.2. It crashes right after you push the render Button


                    • #11
                      Ahhh, this will be a nasty one... The log looks okay. Another thing that might demystify the issue would be if you can send over a crash dump file:
                      - It should be in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp
                      - Should be called MayaCrashLog.dmp
                      - The date on the file should coincide with the time that Maya crashed.

                      Big thanks to you for helping find this issue!
                      Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                      • #12
                        I hope it'll not be a never ending story

                        I sent the files to support.

                        Big thanks to you too. I'm very thankful for this support!!!


                        • #13
                          Huh, this is very strange, the crash dump did show something is off.

                          Can you double check something:
                          - Go to the Phoenix FD menu
                          - Phoenix FD Preferences...
                          - Is the "Render as VRayVolumeGrid" option ON or OFF?

                          EDIT: wrong preferences option
                          Last edited by Svetlin.Nikolov; 23-09-2020, 08:13 AM. Reason: EDIT: wrong preferences option
                          Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                          • #14
                            Ah, dang, just edited the post above - it's the "Render as VRayVolumeGrid" option that is the main suspect - it should be OFF.
                            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                            • #15
                              It's ON because I use the Vray cloud Service. Otherwise its not working. I switched it OFF and now its working. does it also work when this option is off with the vray cloud?


