I just rendered a simlulation and the droplets look so unreal. I did an alembic cache for the simulation and added extra splashed with the simulation. The added splashes are the white ones (I couldn't figure out how to change the texture to the one I have on the mesh). The droplets just look very round, too round.(see attached video) And when they fall back into the water, they don't merge. They just disappear. I probably missed some steps when I did this sim, but I honestly couldn't find anything in the manuals or any tutorials. If you can help me or suggest any tutorials, I would really appreciate it.
Overall the aim of this simulation is too make it as realistic as possible (here is the original footage I'm trying to get as close as possible https://www.dropbox.com/s/uys9vn9s2l...ginal.mp4?dl=0 )
I just rendered a simlulation and the droplets look so unreal. I did an alembic cache for the simulation and added extra splashed with the simulation. The added splashes are the white ones (I couldn't figure out how to change the texture to the one I have on the mesh). The droplets just look very round, too round.(see attached video) And when they fall back into the water, they don't merge. They just disappear. I probably missed some steps when I did this sim, but I honestly couldn't find anything in the manuals or any tutorials. If you can help me or suggest any tutorials, I would really appreciate it.
Overall the aim of this simulation is too make it as realistic as possible (here is the original footage I'm trying to get as close as possible https://www.dropbox.com/s/uys9vn9s2l...ginal.mp4?dl=0 )