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PhoenixFD Texture Resolution

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  • PhoenixFD Texture Resolution


    I am experimenting with milk and coffee:

    The vrayblendshader is driven by a texure. Sadly the resolution is low and looks clumpy.
    Is this parameter only driven by the cellsize of the simulator or is there another way to soften the map?

    Thanks in advance!

    Best Martin.
    GreenCloud - Let us make the web green!
    Last edited by pipe_mm; 13-01-2021, 10:12 AM.

  • #2


    • #3

      Indeed it is the grid resolution that should improve the splotches. If you increase the grid resolution it should look better.
      Another approach is to use the Particle Texture instead of the Grid texture to read the RGB data. This way you will be able to use particles instead of the voxel data and you can get a smoother result by playing with the particle radius.

      In order to make it work you will have to make sure that you have turned on the Particle RGB channel export in the Output rollout and your simulation is ran with it.
      Then duplicate your simulator (go to Edit > Clone). Then in the Material editor create a Phoenix Particle texture and pick the cloned simulator as a source particle system. Then you can hide the cloned simulator so it won't interfere with the scene - we use it just to read the data.
      After that in the Particle Texture settings, turn on the Color from Particle channel checkbox and select the RGB channel. Then you can hook up the Particle texture to be used as a mask for the blend material.

      Changing the particle area radius in the Particle Texture settings will blend the colors and you will get a smoother result, though increasing the radius will increase the render time so start low and increase it gradually.

      Georgi Zhekov
      Phoenix Product Manager


      • #4
        thank you Georgi
        the Particle RGB workflow seems great, still a bit tricky
        I am just simulating with a finer grid
        thanks for your fast reply

