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Pure Ocean flicker

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  • Pure Ocean flicker

    Any idea what would cause my pure ocean to flicker literally every other frame?

    I have a little Offscreen Margin in there. I wonder if it has to do with that.

    I have no actual data in the liquid sim. I just want an infinite ocean plane, and VRayDisplacementMod doesn't seem to work on a VRayPlane.

  • #2
    Hmmm, how does it look?
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Originally posted by Svetlin.Nikolov View Post
      Hmmm, how does it look?
      See this movie. Every other frame it pops. This is net rendered, and each machine was rendering two frames (launched by 3dsmaxcmd.exe->render two frames->quit->repeat) , but I am not sure that is it. Wouldn't make sense for the second frame to have a problem.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        In pure ocean mode does the resolution of the simulator affect anything?


        • #5
          Ahummm, maybe the resolution is the problem indeed. It's like having a cache with a flat surface filled up to the ocean level at the Grid resolution, but without the actual cache. How many voxels do you have? Maybe they are really not enough.
          Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


          • #6
            I had turned it way down thinking it might save some memory.

            So perhaps increasing the voxels even for a small area, even though there is no cache, is the ticket?

            My PHX simulator is small out of camera view. It is very low res. I really just need the infinite place of ocean.



            • #7
              Ahhh, if the simulator is out of the view, then it really does not matter. You gotta raise the Ocean Subdivs instead. This WILL eat up memory and a lot too.
              Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


              • #8
                I thnk I may have just gotten it to work with a simple displace plane that is REALLY big. I was worried that was going to cause problems. But it might be working (and avoid PHX, other than the textures).

