Using the convert tool from PFD v3.x within a .bat file. It's seems to be set up correctly and runs like it's doing work (but too fast), but upon checking, all the vdb's written are basically devoid of .aur data. Known issues? Thx.
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.aur > .vdb converter creates empty vdb files
More info. Here is the contents of my bat file:
set app=C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Phoenix FD\3ds Max 2019 for x64\bin\cache_converter.exe
:: set these 4 variables...
set cachePath=K:\cache\flfx_fire\fire_small_slightWind Blown_pfd_type01_sim05
set FilenamePrefix=fire_small_slightWindBlown_pfd_type 01_sim05_
set sframeNumber=0
set eframeNumber=500
"%app%" -srcfile "%cachePath%\%FilenamePrefix%####.aur" -dstfile "%cachePath%\%FilenamePrefix%####.vdb" -start %sframeNumber% -end %eframeNumber%
Ok, so pulled down the only Nightly .zip I could find that only has an .exe installer within it which seems to want to install everything - in middle of project don't want to risk messing with PFD 3.x installation. Is there a .zip containing all misc files? I'll keep checking in the meantime however. Thx.
Oh yes, the zip installs we have for Phoenix for Maya might be useful to you:
Grab one that ends with "". Inside it, you can find the cache converter tool with its dlls under phoenix/bin.
Cheers!Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead