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Backburner 'sim and render' per frame via script not working

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  • Backburner 'sim and render' per frame via script not working

    Sorry - again another PFD 3.x question - was this previously an issue that was fixed in PFD 4.x?

    Locally I can run a 'per-sim-frame render as you go', however was hoping to get per-sim frames rendered on a sim node via backburner so I could have a ready preview to check the progress of the fam sim, however the sim node only sims but doesn't render frames while progressing.

  • #2
    Here is the script code being used per the manual, but maybe there is some network backburner magic needed? The sim writes .aur files to the path ok. Also I don't see the sim node trying to render a frame after each completed sim frame:

    fn OnNewFrame=(
    -- Will be executed after every new frame
    -- Uncomment the code below to render each frame after it is simulated

    rendTimeType = 3
    rendStart = currentTime
    rendEnd = currentTime
    rendSaveFile = true
    rendOutputFilename = "K:\cache\pathToFire\fire.exr"
    max quick render


    • #3
      Mmmm, sadly Backburner is somewhat limited, to put it in a politically correct manner.

      It has no concept of doing anything else But rendering, so in fact the Phoenix simulation runs as a pre-render step.

      So this is why calling rendering from any of the simulation callbacks will probably do nothing or worse - because technically we are already rendering.

      Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


      • #4
        Eh, all good. Worth a shot. Fortunately it's doing nothing and not worse than nothing. Might there be a command line sim/render method? Thx again for your time.


        • #5
          Yeah, this pops up all the time, maybe at some point we have to take this into our own hands because 3rd party solutions are either not good enough, or paid additionally...
          Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

