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ocean mesh fade inside/outside grid

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  • ocean mesh fade inside/outside grid


    Is it possible to control the fade distance of ocean mesh between inside and outside of the grid ? I thought it was possible and I looked everywhere but couldn't find any setting.

    Also, what does exactly the Border fade (units) in rendering section of simulator settings ? It doesn't seem to have any effect...


  • #2
    Oh, good catch about the Border Fade - seems that we have missed to note in the docs that it works only for volumetrics. We'll edit it now.
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Can you give us a bit more info on what are you trying to do exactly? A screenshot of the problem would be really useful.

      Georgi Zhekov
      Phoenix Product Manager


      • #4
        Originally posted by georgi.zhekov View Post
        Can you give us a bit more info on what are you trying to do exactly? A screenshot of the problem would be really useful.

        Hmmm, it's not obvious to explain with showing the rendered frames. I have, again, a problem at the end of the grid on a boat/ocean simulation. It's quite a big sim with 16 million particles (foam, splash, mist). When rendering some sequences, I noticed again this ugly "end of grid" effect, where you clearly see the end of the simulator. You know, on top view, boat going from left to right, you have a wipe effect. I tried to identify if it comes from foam, splash or mist. On the playblasts, with each particle system alone, it's hardly noticeable (in the red area of screenshot). I decided to render out each particle system alone (with sea). On the first sequence, with foam, I noticed this "end of simulator" effect on the foam, but I noticed also that this wipe effect is visible in the water! So, I was trying to have a better/longer fade on the sea surface between the simulated liquid and the faked, displaced, infinite sea. To make a very long story short, I would like to play with the fade distance of sea mesh inside/outside of simulator.
        Now I'm rendering also each one separately without the sea surface. I can send the MP4's to support quoting this topic when it's finished rendering. I'm really curious to see if the wipe effect I see on the foam happens also when I render without the sea (yeah, I know, there is still the displacement of the texture).

        Click image for larger version

Name:	grid.JPG
Views:	458
Size:	189.2 KB
ID:	1131803


        • #5
          It seems that when I render without the sea surface, the end of grid is no more visible. I will make another test by offsetting the foam.


          • #6
            good morning,

            I sent two videos to support. Ticket number is 13050.



            • #7
              No news about this ?


              • #8

                For the moment the only solution is to make the Phoenix grid simulator larger and remove the unwanted artifacts at the simulator borders in animation that way. We will let you know when we have another solution for this specific rendering issue.
                Tashko Zashev |
                Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                • #9
                  I look forward to a real solution


                  • #10

                    I think I've mentioned it before here in the forums, but you really should not expect anything that exits the simulator to simulate correctly.

                    It is expected that particles change behavior when they exit the grid because many factors are not taken into account anymore, so in case you ever get away with a good looking simulation with many particles exiting the simulator, it is by pure luck.

                    Maybe lowering the liquid level will allow for quicker simulation so you can use a larger simulator?

                    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Svetlin.Nikolov View Post

                      I think I've mentioned it before here in the forums, but you really should not expect anything that exits the simulator to simulate correctly.

                      It is expected that particles change behavior when they exit the grid because many factors are not taken into account anymore, so in case you ever get away with a good looking simulation with many particles exiting the simulator, it is by pure luck.

                      Maybe lowering the liquid level will allow for quicker simulation so you can use a larger simulator?

                      Hi Svetlin,

                      I'm really not expecting particles simulate when exiting the simulator, but the problem here is the fade between inside and outside. I think this can be resolved and I showed in my tests that the problem doesn't come from the particles. When you render without the see, you wouldn't notice where the end of grid is. The problem, as far is I can see, is more located on the sea mesh or let's say the blend between the liquid mesh and the infinite sea.
                      I am already using as small as possible liquid depth, to spare cells, and always trying to get a big enough (X & Z for maya) simulator grid to allow the particles to calm down before leaving the simulator. I think that the software makes already a great job when the particles leave the simulator. The problem is somewhere else.


