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Struggling with foam

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  • Struggling with foam

    Hey all,

    Really strugglingwith the foam settings in my PhoenixLiquid. Maybe it's just a little thing that I'm overlooking but I can't find it. Hopefully someone has the solution for me. ■ 3D visualisation | 3D animation | virtual reality ■

  • #2
    Hey, this looks like bad simulation options. If what you are seeing is Foam, then check the Foam rollout - there is a Size option there, and make sure it corresponds to the real-world size of your bubbles:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_1.png
Views:	167
Size:	62.2 KB
ID:	1140675

    Here is a page with all Foam options:

    You can also override the bubble sizes from the Particle Shader that renders the foam particles - there is a Size Multiplier there, so you can change the sizes at render time without having to simulate again. However, if the foam is simulated with such large sizes, there will be visible gaps between the bubbles if you reduce their sizes from the Particle Shader.

    There is option 3 as well - is it possible that what you are looking at are Splash particles and not Foam particles? If so, their size is controlled by the Grid resolution - they don't have a dedicated splash size option like the foam does. So the way to make them smaller is to increase the grid resolution from the Grid rollout and simulate again.

    Hope this helps, cheers!
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Hi Svetlin,

      Thank you very much. I gonna get into this. I will checkout the page and see what all the options are doing. So many parameters to get into. I will make a new setup. My model was in cm, but all tutorials I saw on youtube were in meters so I scaled everything. In your settings I can see you can easely work in cm as well so thats a better option for me.
      Looks like the problem is in my Particle Shader [Splashes] and not in the foam. ■ 3D visualisation | 3D animation | virtual reality ■


      • #4
        Hey, we've tried to put this in as many places in the docs as possible, but let me sum it up here as well:

        It does not matter if you work in cm or meters - what is important is that the real-world size of the effect you are working on is correct - e.g. a simulator for a candle flame should be about 10 cm or 0.1 meters - it's all the same how you choose to view it. A volcano eruption should be 100 meters tall or 10000 cm - again it's the same, but what is important is that the world scale is correct. You can view the simulator size from the Grid rollout. If you have to use geometry that is different from the real world size, you can use the Grid rollout's Scene Scale option to cheat the simulator into thinking its size is different than it actually is, and when you do that, the dimensions in the Grid rollout will update accordingly.
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

