Hi All, -Thank you for any tips, help, time, -I sincerely appreciate it !
I'm getting white spots in the smoke when I render (3ds Max 2023, Vray6 Hotfix 3 6.00.20, PhoenixFD 5.01.00 ).
This VFX setup was from the Flamethrower tut: https://docs.chaos.com/display/PHX4MAX/Flamethrower <--outstanding and Thank You!!

I'm guessing it's a very basic setting that I'm missing?
When rendering with an HDRI dome light, or in an all black background scene, the default final scene downloaded from the tutorial, -the white spot artifact doesn't show up.
Currently it's showing up when I attempt to render the scene with a background plate, background is animated png sequence. .
For the PhoenixFDFire, it has just a dome light on it (see the last image, VrayLight006), -using an EXR HDRI for the dome light, Vray shadow catcher on Vray plane, background is an animated png sequence.
I've tried to fit more of the scene settings on these images;

If needed, glad to upload the scene file, or include any additional info that might help.
Thanks again!
I'm getting white spots in the smoke when I render (3ds Max 2023, Vray6 Hotfix 3 6.00.20, PhoenixFD 5.01.00 ).
This VFX setup was from the Flamethrower tut: https://docs.chaos.com/display/PHX4MAX/Flamethrower <--outstanding and Thank You!!
I'm guessing it's a very basic setting that I'm missing?
When rendering with an HDRI dome light, or in an all black background scene, the default final scene downloaded from the tutorial, -the white spot artifact doesn't show up.
Currently it's showing up when I attempt to render the scene with a background plate, background is animated png sequence. .
For the PhoenixFDFire, it has just a dome light on it (see the last image, VrayLight006), -using an EXR HDRI for the dome light, Vray shadow catcher on Vray plane, background is an animated png sequence.
I've tried to fit more of the scene settings on these images;
If needed, glad to upload the scene file, or include any additional info that might help.
Thanks again!