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Simulation won't go outside grid

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  • Simulation won't go outside grid

    I have a simulation and the sim will not go outside the grid. I have the "Grid Adaptation" set up to "Temperature/Liquid" and it has worked for other sims.

    Am I doing something wrong...or missing something?

    On these nightly builds....I see like three different ones for Maya 2023 on April 4th....which of these should I use?

  • #2
    I had to lower the Threshold and raise the extra margin for it to work. But it is working. I had the threshold jacked up to 3000 and the tried the extra margin at 512 and it crashed. I guess 128GB of RAM isn't enough.


    • #3

      Maybe you could try adapting the Grid by the Smoke or Velocity channels?

      Also, could you tell us more about the crash, so we could try to reproduce it here? If you could share a simplified scene that is crashing, it will be very useful.

      As for the Nightlies, we have different builds for V-Ray 5 and V-Ray 6, and different builds for Windows, macOS and Linux and that it's why we have more than one build for Maya 2023.

      Slavina Nikolova
      QA Specialist, V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Phoenix


      • #4
        slavina.nikolova , I did try every option in the grid adapting before the crash......then I realized that I may be pushing it with the threshold. So when the crash happened, I had the threshold set to 3000 and the extra margin set to 512. That's when it crashed. During caching the sim is when it crashed. When the discharge was about 7 frames into the sim is when it crashed. it was still going and then Maya just closed. Upon reopening the scene I lowered the threshold to 1500 and the extra margin to 100. With those settings about 7 frames into the sim it seemed like it wanted to crash took longer than usual but I did have those settings still kind of high....I imagine.

        Anything else?

        Which of the nighties is the Windows build?

        Edit: Just a note that when the grid adapting wasn't working I had those settings jacked up as well and could have possibly not worked ( the grid adapting) because I was pushing it and the sim just ignored it. Not sure if your developers have that sort of catch in there or not. And I had the max RAM usage set to 90% and also disabled that as well.
        Last edited by J450NP13; 07-04-2023, 06:03 AM.


        • #5

          Can you check what the Phoenix log file contains right after the crash happens? Please grab the Phoenix log immediately after the crash. If you start Maya again, it would be overwritten. You can find the log file in C:\ChaosPhoenix​. Could you send us a simplified scene, so we could check it?

          The Windows build is the one that doesn't have "mavericks" or "centos7" in its name - "phoenixFD_adv_51001_maya2023_vray6_x64_32014_ inst"​

          Slavina Nikolova
          QA Specialist, V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Phoenix


          • #6
            Yeah, it was overwritten.

            I can recreate the crash though I believe. Do you want me to do it?


            • #7
              Yes please, if you can crash it and then send the dmp file from C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp​, together with the Phoenix log file from C:\ChaosPhoenix it would be great!

              Btw, it sounds like you are trying to force the grid to adapt by raising the threshold, but it works the opposite way - the grid expands more easily the lower the threshold is. You can read it as "The grid will expand when the Temperature higher than <Threshold> comes near the grid walls".

              Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


              • #8
                Svetlin.Nikolov slavina.nikolova I was able to reproduce the crash, but it wasn't a Phoenix crash, it was me basically ramping the grid up so much I ran out of RAM. Svetlin, I got the second part of your last message. It is working fine now. I just needed to understand that part better.

