How can I change the color of the water and foam generated in Phoenix Maya (using "Speedboat Simulation") to make it look like a deeper blue? Currently, the default color seems to be cyan and turquoise, which doesn't fit the style I'm going for. I've looked through the settings and options but couldn't find an obvious way to adjust the color. Is there a specific setting I need to adjust or a workaround I can use? Thanks in advance for any help!
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Ocean Shader / Phoenix / Maya
To adjust the color of the water material, you could experiment with the Fog Color and Depth options of the V-Ray material assigned to the Simulator. You can find these options in the Translucency tab. Here you can find more information about the Translucency options -
As for the color of the foam particles, you could change their color by selecting the Particle Shader that has them loaded and change the Color. Here you can find more information about the Particle Shader options -
Hope this helps!Slavina Nikolova
QA Specialist, V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Phoenix
Hey, also another suggestion - looks to me like this foam is shaded cyan because it's underwater. If this is the case, then it's the fog color of the VRayMtl of the simulator - it gives the underwater foam this tint.
If you didn't intend for so much foam to be underwater, then you need to increase the Rising Speed option from the Foam rollout of the Simulator and run the sim again.
Cheers!Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead