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Weird Error with Standalone Phoenix and Deadline

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  • Weird Error with Standalone Phoenix and Deadline

    I get this in my Deadline log. The same scene sims fine with Max mode.

    This is also why I was asking in another thread if the standalone window (cmd.exe) could stay open if there was an error, because the local standalone sim failed too, but I couldn't read the error (or find the log file if there is one).

    I assume the warning comes from the fact that I have a 3d text object that has a push modifier on it that causes some self intersecting geometry. Could that junk geometry also cause the error listed?

    Is the ERROR:

    [ERROR] SimBodyGeomStnd::build no geometry
    actually fatal? Deadline thinks it is and ends the job.


    2023-04-12 18:11:32: 0: INFO: Executable: "C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Phoenix FD\3ds Max 2023 for x64\bin\phoenixfd.exe"
    2023-04-12 18:11:32: 0: INFO: Argument: -scenefile=C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\worke rs\vole\jobsData\6435c03a8b86c61574a06e38\IceType7 5.simscene
    2023-04-12 18:11:32: 0: INFO: Full Command: "C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Phoenix FD\3ds Max 2023 for x64\bin\phoenixfd.exe" -scenefile=C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\worke rs\vole\jobsData\6435c03a8b86c61574a06e38\IceType7 5.simscene
    2023-04-12 18:11:32: 0: INFO: Startup Directory: "C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Phoenix FD\3ds Max 2023 for x64\bin"
    2023-04-12 18:11:32: 0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
    2023-04-12 18:11:32: 0: INFO: Process Affinity: default
    2023-04-12 18:11:32: 0: INFO: Process is now running
    2023-04-12 18:11:36: Listener Thread - ::ffff: has connected
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: Simulating scene "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\vole\j obsData\6435c03a8b86c61574a06e38\IceType75.simscen e":
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: Chaos Phoenix 5 ADV for 3ds Max 2023,
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: version 5.10.01 Nightly, Build ID: 2023012631862 from Jan 26 2023
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:32] Loaded C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Phoenix FD\3ds Max 2023 for x64\bin\distance_measurer_phx.dll
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:32] All simulation plugins loaded successfully from C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Phoenix FD\3ds Max 2023 for x64/bin/plugins
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:32] Grid set to 239 x 91 x 242, 792933184 voxels, memory usage 53.170GB
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:32] Sim started
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:32] The simulation cache files will be written to G:\MyProj\Max\scenes\Type.max_Phoenix_frames\PhoenixFDFire001B_####.aur.
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:32] Sim step 0, sim time:0.000000, last frame:0.000000, elapsed: 0.000000
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:33] [ERROR] SimBodyGeomStnd::build no geometry
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: WARNING: [WARNING] The following objects are not closed meshes! This may cause unexpected simulation results:
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:33] [WARNING] The following objects are not closed meshes! This may cause unexpected simulation results:
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: D2@node_2
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: E@node_12
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:34] export frame 125 fill: 0.129292 <----------------------------- FRAME: 1/201 (0.50%)
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:34]
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:34] Sim step 1, sim time:0.041667, last frame:1.451604, elapsed: 1.784574
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:34] [ERROR] SimBodyGeomStnd::build no geometry
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: WARNING: [WARNING] The following objects are not closed meshes! This may cause unexpected simulation results:
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:34] [WARNING] The following objects are not closed meshes! This may cause unexpected simulation results:
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: D2@node_2
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: E@node_12
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:35] export frame 126 fill: 0.152611 <----------------------------- FRAME: 2/201 (1.00%)
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:35]
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:35] Sim step 2, sim time:0.083333, last frame:1.563424, elapsed: 3.295844
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:36] [ERROR] SimBodyGeomStnd::build no geometry
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: WARNING: [WARNING] The following objects are not closed meshes! This may cause unexpected simulation results:
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:36] [WARNING] The following objects are not closed meshes! This may cause unexpected simulation results:
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: D2@node_2
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: E@node_12
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:37] export frame 127 fill: 0.165371 <----------------------------- FRAME: 3/201 (1.49%)
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:37]
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:37] Sim step 3, sim time:0.125000, last frame:1.542462, elapsed: 4.866405
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:37] [ERROR] SimBodyGeomStnd::build no geometry
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: WARNING: [WARNING] The following objects are not closed meshes! This may cause unexpected simulation results:
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:37] [WARNING] The following objects are not closed meshes! This may cause unexpected simulation results:
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: D2@node_2
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: E@node_12
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:38] export frame 128 fill: 0.177659 <----------------------------- FRAME: 4/201 (1.99%)
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:39]
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:39] Sim step 4, sim time:0.166667, last frame:1.623629, elapsed: 6.517213
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:39] [ERROR] SimBodyGeomStnd::build no geometry
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: WARNING: [WARNING] The following objects are not closed meshes! This may cause unexpected simulation results:
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:39] [WARNING] The following objects are not closed meshes! This may cause unexpected simulation results:
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: D2@node_2
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: E@node_12
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:40] export frame 129 fill: 0.193753 <----------------------------- FRAME: 5/201 (2.49%)
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:40]
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:40] Sim step 5, sim time:0.208333, last frame:1.664668, elapsed: 8.237806
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:41] [ERROR] SimBodyGeomStnd::build no geometry
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: WARNING: [WARNING] The following objects are not closed meshes! This may cause unexpected simulation results:
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:41] [WARNING] The following objects are not closed meshes! This may cause unexpected simulation results:
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: D2@node_2
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: E@node_12
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:42] export frame 130 fill: 0.203557 <----------------------------- FRAME: 6/201 (2.99%)
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:42]
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:42] Sim step 6, sim time:0.250000, last frame:1.759395, elapsed: 10.001770
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:42] [ERROR] SimBodyGeomStnd::build no geometry
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: WARNING: [WARNING] The following objects are not closed meshes! This may cause unexpected simulation results:
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:42] [WARNING] The following objects are not closed meshes! This may cause unexpected simulation results:
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: D2@node_2
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: E@node_12
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:44] export frame 131 fill: 0.216280 <----------------------------- FRAME: 7/201 (3.48%)
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:44]
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:44] Sim step 7, sim time:0.291667, last frame:1.774894, elapsed: 11.833994
    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: [2023/Apr/12|18:11:44] [ERROR] SimBodyGeomStnd::build no geometry
    2023-04-12 18:11:45: 0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Render Task'
    2023-04-12 18:11:45: ERROR: 0: An exception occurred: Detected an error: [ERROR] SimBodyGeomStnd::build no geometry
    2023-04-12 18:11:45: at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks(Task task, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel) (Deadline.Plugins.RenderPluginException)
    2023-04-12 18:11:45: 0: Unloading plugin: Phoenix
    2023-04-12 18:11:45: 0: Executing plugin command of type 'End Job'
    2023-04-12 18:11:45: 0: Done executing plugin command of type 'End Job'
    2023-04-12 18:11:48: 0: Render Thread - Render State transition from = 'Rendering' to = 'WaitingForTask'

  • #2
    Hmm, besides the error you got, there is a warning about open geometry, which might cause some issues:

    [WARNING] The following objects are not closed meshes! This may cause unexpected simulation results:

    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: D2@node_2

    2023-04-12 18:11:44: 0: STDOUT: E@node_12

    In order for the sim to work properly you need proper geometry (no single or overlapping faces, no open edges, etc.) otherwise strange things can happen. Does it work properly if you fix the geometry? ​
    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      It works when using max instead of standalone to do the sim.

      The bad geo is made by using a push modifier (in) too far that the geo overlaps.

      I’ll try standalone without the push if I get a chance. Too many deadlines making trouble shooting difficult


      • #4
        Ah, does the geometry with the push modifier exist in the scene you sent to Support? I tried a simple setup with just a sphere and a Push modifier, but couldn't break it, so there must be something more specific...
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          I am pretty certain the push modifier is in that scene... and it is enabled, and when I try to render that particular scene as is I get the problems. I pulled the scene from the Deadline repository.

          Note the geometry is trashed by the push modifer... But it rendered OK in Max, and it simulated like I wanted it. So I wasn't concerned about it looking messed up (as the modifier was off for other beauty renders, etc.)


          • #6
            Ah, but if it does something in the standalone simulation, then it's not the geometry that shows the
            SimBodyGeomStnd::build no geometry
            error (I have to add to the log the name of the node that throws this error). If it has no geometry, then it would not participate in the simulation at all.
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #7
              Not sure I understand.

              It would sim OK in Max, whether max interactive, or Max via Deadline. Then I got those errors when I tried to simulate using standalone through deadline. And the simulation terminated when I tried to simulate on the local machine using standalone (via the Phoenix menu), though I couldn't read the error because the cmd window closed and I did not (yet) know where the logfile was.

              Oh, and yes, any more info you can put in the logfile is always a good thing. Node names, etc. because that did help me track down that disabling the push worked fine (but I would have guessed that anyway, since it was mangled geo (intersecting polys).


              • #8
                Huh, interesting why disabling the push modifier fixed it. My idea was that if it writes in the log file that there was no geometry, then the node with no geometry shouldn't even effect the standalone simulation - it would be as if it's erased from the scene.

                Will try to reproduce it with the scene from Support...
                Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                • #9
                  Sounds good. I will see if I can retry with the new nightly we installed from apr 18.

