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Cloud Sim not rendering with Arnold Volume

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  • Cloud Sim not rendering with Arnold Volume


    I am ruing the Phoenix time laps cloud sim example and when i save it as a VDB and load it into a Arnold Volume it doesnt render. Regular Phoenix smoke sims render fine but the time laps cloud sim does not. Is there something different in the setup from a regular smoke sim? Here are the my steps:

    attached phoenix cloud sim to cube
    save sim cache as openVDB
    run sim
    create arnold volume and plug openVDB cache as sequence and for grids select the 3 velocity grids and 1 smoke grid
    for velocity grids select 3 velocity grids
    attache aiVolumeShader to arnold volume
    add a light
    render and then stare into the cold darkness of space

    below are my settings
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2023-04-16 141711.png
Views:	213
Size:	92.1 KB
ID:	1178169 Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2023-04-16 141711a.png
Views:	134
Size:	92.2 KB
ID:	1178171
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hey, sorry for the late reply.

    There should be no difference between this setup and a regular smoke setup. Could you compare the Cache File Content box in the Simulation rollout when you have loaded one VDB or the other? (You could alternatively just double click each VDB and compare this info in the Phoenix Previewer, without having to open Maya at all)

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      I figured it out. I needed more light. 15 intensity wasnt enough which is unusual. needed 30 to see it. thanks again.


      • #4
        Ah, whew, thank you for getting back to me!
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

