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Vray Properties - Different Values on Different Objects - Not Changing to Same Value

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  • Vray Properties - Different Values on Different Objects - Not Changing to Same Value

    So I am not on the latest version of Vray since it seems lately everytime I update to the latest there are always new issues.
    This is an issue I have now come upon with the version right before the latest.

    I have lets say 3 objects. I do vraypoerties and change the motion blur samples of one to 2, another to 4, and lets say last one to default.

    Now, lets say I select all objects and want to change all the values to 1 same value. Right now as always in the past the motion blur samples slot is "--" due to different values and thats totally normal. The issue I am running into now however is when I change the value to a new value, nothing happens. Whatever has happened with the update before the last, the samples cannot change unless you change the same values at once. So it certainly doesn't make life easy having to figure out which objects changed and which did not. In the past it would allow me to change all obejcts same or not same to the new value, now its blocking it.

  • #2
    Hi RedStar

    Indeed, it looks like there's an issue when trying to change the V-Ray properties' values to multiple objects. We've logged this under VMAX-13230, and we'll make sure to let you know once it is fixed. Apologies for the inconvenience.
    Nikoleta Garkova |


    • #3
      Hello nikoleta.garkova any updates on the fix to this problem?
      Appreciate your time!


      • #4

        Stable nightly build 32041 and later should contain a fix for this ( Sorry about the inconvenience.

        Best regards,
        Yavor Rubenov
        V-Ray for 3ds Max developer

