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foam and splash only rendering when render as geometry is on

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  • foam and splash only rendering when render as geometry is on


    here is the file i am working on

    its a max 2022 file and vray 7 used. this scene was originally done in feet inches but i converted it to metres and the objects ar elao correctly scaled.
    i am able to see my phoenix foam and splash particles in preview but when i render them i see nothing. i have tried bubbles , splashes cellular point but nothing is working.
    please see the scene and see whats wrong. this is my first big scene of a lake. till now everything was working fine on small water sims.
    can someone help me herte?
    also a note when i change the render to corona everything works fine automatically without changing any phoenix settings


  • #2
    Hello, thanks for sending a link to the scene. I'll look into it.


    • #3
      In the Environment and Effects dialog, there's a PhoenixFD atmospheric effect. It needs to be active to render the particle shaders.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Originally posted by zdravko_pavlov1 View Post
        In the Environment and Effects dialog, there's a PhoenixFD atmospheric effect. It needs to be active to render the particle shaders.
        Thanks man. Problem solved

